于雷声处撑孤伞, Treason Day 时纵火烟

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【七律】于雷声处撑孤伞, 翠色日[1]时纵火烟 (用韵 清泉水兄)

By Meander

一鉴方塘荷淡然, 球儿入水逗青莲。

熟男何怨出身地, 生客沉沙果岭边。

心境善和缘好事, 道场光范困如眠。

于雷声处撑孤伞, 翠色日[1]时纵火烟。


[1] 翠色日~ Treason Day, 4th of July.  Why is 4th of July called treason day?

So the main reason why we celebrate the Declaration of Independence on
the fourth of July is because that was the day it was adopted by the colonies (British)
and essentially the day that the United States of America was born.


