Fight for the golden eggs

Fight for the golden eggs

by JessAB

The current society is divided badly by the givers and takers.  The takers are accusing of those givers for not giving them enough to live in the equivalent life of the givers.  Therefore they hate givers so much and want to fight constantly with them.  One of the weapons besides violent protests for the takers is to allege givers as ‘racists’ or ‘supremacists’ or whatever those similar words they can choose. But hey, what do the takers do to improve their own status other than keep whining and blaming others for their own incompetence and lack of accountability.  The takers don’t look into themselves to find out what are the root causes for them being as the takers. They are so fooled by those far left dems politicians thinking that there is an absolute equality in this world.  If so, they should try to cut their own fingers to an equal length. The so called‘poor’ and‘rich are just relative.  The life of ‘poor’ in the US could be a rich one as compared to other parts of the world, so the 'poor' should be very grateful to others for making their comfortable basic life possible here.

Of course, it is understandable from dems' point of view that they want open border to have more illegal migrants and help illegals more than US citizens, and they also like to use identity politics to incite the race war/class war, because once the illegals are able to vote and there are more takers here, the dems will be in power forever.  And it is also understandable that most takers want to vote for dems because they think dems politicians can give them more free stuffs.

Now the question boils down to how many golden eggs are out there.  As Warrant Buffett once said “The most important single thing is to have more‘golden eggs’ to distribute around”.  That said, it is pivotal for the future of US to have the policy that will promote more golden eggs, produce more givers and less takers. 

For those people with anti-American rhetoric, anti-market capitalism, anti-American values, they don’t deserve to be in this land, and they should go to the places where they fit in.

There will be a hard fight between these ordinary hard working people with middle or upper income and those takers if the takers want to take more and more and don’t even show the remorse.

Watch out those people because the more of them here, the less of the America would be!

SwissArmy 发表评论于
回复 '北佛风光' 的评论 :


北佛风光 发表评论于
回复 'SwissArmy' 的评论 : SwissArmy 说的很客气。

美国是一个伟大的国家, 3亿多公民有贡献的是大多数, 少谁一个都比影响美国继续强大。 极左和极右思潮都对美国有害无益, 不论那个极端得势都会造成美国分裂和停滞不前。

一个公民, 要是觉得自己比其他公民更爱国做的贡献更大, 只能是十分幼稚可笑的。

同样道理, 一个人要是过于自以为是, 觉得自己比别人更高明更有见识, 只能是狂妄自大傲慢无知的表现。

要说有资格让别的移民滚出这个国家, 怕是当奴隶来美上百年的4千万黑人公民, 比最近几十年来美的500万华裔更有资格些。

JessAB 发表评论于
回复 'beaglegirl' 的评论 :

谢谢留言. 说到底就是takers 和givers的抗争, 美国需要更多的givers才会更加稳定和繁荣.
beaglegirl 发表评论于
美国确实在走向givers and takers的道路上狂奔。虽然现在划分的界限还不是绝对,但是趋势是显而易见的。
SwissArmy 发表评论于
回复 'JessAB' 的评论 :

JessAB 发表评论于
回复 'SwissArmy' 的评论 :

谢谢你和我有相近的看法. 你挺能写的, 若有时间, 多写写你的观点.
SwissArmy 发表评论于
回复 'JessAB' 的评论 : 当然我也不希望那些埋怨类的抱怨,如果觉得哪里不好,就提出建设性意见,而不是从没吃没喝的地方跑来美国,吃饱喝足有了地位之后就开始抱怨说所有人对她不公。
SwissArmy 发表评论于
回复 'JessAB' 的评论 :

SwissArmy 发表评论于
回复 'JessAB' 的评论 : 我赞同JessAB博主的观点。



JessAB 发表评论于
回复 'SwissArmy' 的评论 :

我奇怪为什么有些在美华人在心里深处自卑又敏感, 不把自己看成是真正的美国人, 一有民主党和左媒的煽动, 就拿种族歧视说事. 若自己非常自信和强大怎么会总觉得被人歧视? 至少我来美这么多年从没感觉被歧视.
JessAB 发表评论于
回复 '北佛风光' 的评论 :

我在美国一直自我感觉非常好但不会自以为是,还低调. 美国当然非常需要像我这样的givers,而且是越多越好, 美国需要merit based immigration, 选优秀人才, 才会更加伟大.

北佛风光 发表评论于
回复 'JessAB' 的评论 : “The America needs people like me who are patriots and share the American values. For those who don’t, I wonder why they want to come or stay here? ”

博主太有点自我感觉良好自以为是了吧? 民主党在美国的选票也有一半, 他们怕是也很有理由认为你应该回到生你的国家去吧?

美国需要你? 很有点大言不惭。
SwissArmy 发表评论于
回复 'cng' 的评论 : “"badly"? It appears that you complain about US society too much. Why don't you just go back to your home country and build a harmonious China. Then come back to show we American how it is done! ”

If you need some people with socialism experience to come to America to screw it all up, then I can definitely tell you that you are talking to the wrong person.

Some takers from Venezuela might be a good start.
SwissArmy 发表评论于
回复 'JessAB' 的评论 :

JessAB 发表评论于
回复 'cng' 的评论 :

The America needs people like me who are patriots and share the American values. For those who don’t, I wonder why they want to come or stay here?

In my humble opinion, the dems are the real ‘racists’ because they are the ones who can’t stop playing the race and skin color card as their tactics to incite the race/class war among the Americans.
JessAB 发表评论于
回复 'SwissArmy' 的评论 :

cng 发表评论于
"The current society is divided badly by the givers and takers"

"badly"? It appears that you complain about US society too much. Why don't you just go back to your home country and build a harmonious China. Then come back to show we American how it is done!
SwissArmy 发表评论于
If anybody who came from unlivable country wants to dictate how to render USA unlivable, then anybody with rights of free speech is allowed to speak out, POTUS included.