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第一份 Form of Chinese Certificate for Soong May Ling (future wife of Chiang Kei-shek),链接在此,下面注明Uses: unrestricted。里面有4页,其实应该是两页,是宋美龄签证中英文各一页,可能是每页太长,被分成2页。

英文件的上半部,宋美龄的中英文签名,英文是Soong May Ling,中文是宋美林,注意最后一个字是“林”,而不是“龄”,按今人发音,林应该是lin,龄才是ling,但是她或者广东话或者上海话,都分不明显。出生日期,写的是光绪年间,看不太清,边上有人写了3-4-98,是海关官员询问后加的吗?即1898年3月4日?查,中文维基百科说是1898年3月4日,英文Wikipedia却说是1897年3月5日,从这份档案看,应该是前者。身高4英尺5英吋,最后实际居住地,填的是上海。

这半部上有宋美龄照片,发证地点:中国上海,日期,1907年7月31日,中国官员签名,Juicheng,下面同一笔迹手书“上海道台”,再下面是中国驻上海副总领事签名,似乎是MP Boyd。把照片放大些:


接上半,海关道下是“瑞”字,还提到1882年5月6日美国议院通过限制华工条例第6欵(款)。自美国通过排华法案后,华人赴美都是按这一条款处理,前面的庚子赔款档案中,随唐绍仪赴美的人中有学生,他们不属于唐绍仪代表团成员,所以另外申请签证,用的也是这个,简称第6款(section VI),当时还不清楚是什么。另外,说宋美林是中国江苏上海人,上海曾经属于江苏。


36年后,1943年3月17日(档案:Letter regarding a photo of the young Madame Chiang Kai Shek.链接),西雅图地区移民局主任(District Director)R.P. Bonham给费城移民和归化专员(Commissioner)Earl G. Harrison写信,说:我们记录显示,1907年8月28日从上海来的轮船明尼苏达号停泊西雅图港,船上由一位迷人的中国小女孩,她叫宋美龄,身份是学生,持有美国上海总领事馆颁发的第6条款证明,在西雅图入境。陪伴她的是她姐姐宋庆龄(拼成Soong Chung Ling),也是学生身份,现在也是一位著名的女士。有人对我作出的结论:上述那个年轻女士,就是现在举世嘱目的蒋介石夫人,提出了一点小小的疑问,涉及中文书写上的些许差别。我请我的朋友,当地的中国领事,检查相关文件,他称这是真实的。因此我把文件上的照片复制了,并欣然将底片和3张照片转给你,我的想法是(正如我在会议上轻声说的),也许你可以送一张给宋女士,告诉她我们国家对她的感情,以及我们希望她早日恢复健康的殷殷之情。


Honorable Earl G. Harrison

Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Dear Mr. Harrison:

Our records show that there arrived from Shanghai at the port of Seattle on August 28, 1907, aboard the SS "Minnesota" a charming little Chinese maid named Soong May Ling, with the status of a student. She carried a "Section 6" Certificate, issued by the American Consulate General at Shanghai, and was forthwith admitted at Seattle. She was accompanied by her sister, Soong Chung Ling, also a student, and now also a lady of renown.

There arose some slight doubt, because of a difference in characters or writing, as to my conclusion that the first named young lady was the now world-famous and accomplished Madame Chiang Kai Shek. But I asked my friend, the local Chinese Consul, to examine the document and he pronounced it authontic.

And so I have had the photograph appearing upon said document copied and am pleased to forward you the film and three prints thinking, as I stated in feeble voice at the Conference, that you might like to present one to the lady, expressing the affection of our nation for her, and our solicitude for the complete recovery of her health.

Faithfully your

R.P. Bonham

District Director

Seattle District

Enclosure 331884


Xxx  MAR 17, 1943

1943年3月22日,Harrison给Bonham回信(档案:Letter regarding a photo of the young Madame Chiang Kai Shek.链接),说:亲爱的Bonham先生,回复你3月17日的信,现附上那个迷人的中国小女孩的照片,我敢说,对此蒋夫人一定很感兴趣。期待着4月份去拜访阁下。你会很快知道具体日期。

Earl G. Harrison


Department of Justice

Immigration and Naturalization Service


March 22, 1943

(Chop: Received March 27, 1943 U.S. Immigration Service Seattle)

Mr. R. P. Bonham

District Director

Immigration and Naturalization Service

815 Airport Way

Seattle, Washington

Dear Mr. Bonham:

I am certainly obliged to you for your letter of March 17, enclosing the photographs of the charming little Chinese maid who arrived at Shanghai at the port of Seattle on August 28, 1907. I am sure that Madame Chiang Kai Shek will be interested.

I am looking forward to my visit to you during April. If you have not already heard the exact date you will be hearing soon.

Cordially yours,


Earl G. Harrison


(chop: For victory Buy United States War Bonds and Stamps)

5月5日,Harrison再给Bonham写信(档案:Letter of thanks for locating the file of Madame Chiang Kai Shek.链接),说:亲爱的Bonham先生,我回到办公室,发现了罗斯福夫人签名的一封信在等着我,信中写道:“感谢你3月22日的信和照片。Bonham先生真是太好了,能把这些照片印出来,也感谢你把它们送给我。我会留一张,另一张会送给蒋夫人。”再次衷心感谢你自己及你全家,还有你的同事们对我在西雅图期间的热情款待。


Earl G. Harrison
Department of Justice
Immigration and Naturalization Service
May 5, 1943
(Chop: Received May 10, 1943 U.S. Immigration Service Seattle)
Mr. R. P. Bonham 
District Director 
Immigration and Naturalization Service 
815 Airport Way 
Seattle, Washington
Dear Mr. Bonham:
Upon my return to the office I found waiting for me a letter signed by Mrs. Roosevelt and reading as follows:
“Thank you for your letter of March 22, and for the pictures. I appreciate Mr. Bonham's kindness in having the prints made and yours in sending them to me. I am delighted to have one and will send the other to 
Madame Chiang.”
I was sure that Mrs. Roosevelt would feel this way about your thoughtfulness in sending on the prints.
Let me express again my sincerest appreciation for the very delightful reception accorded me by your good self, your household and all of your associates while in Seattle.
Cordially yours,
Earl G. Harrison
(chop: For victory Buy United States War Bonds and Stamps)


20190907 补:

以上来自美国档案馆档案。后来又参考了一些书籍,本来是以为象宋美龄这样的人,她的历史一定研究得很详细了,可实际上对她生日和到美国的日期,却有很多说法,前面引过一些网上百科的说法,各有不同。她的传记,一本是Hannah Pakula写的The Last Empress: Madame Chiang Kai-shek and the Birth of Modern China (Simon and Schuster,2009),书里没提宋美龄的生日,到达美国是1907年(正确),

想象的空间 发表评论于
觉晓 发表评论于
元亨利 发表评论于
回复 '觉晓' 的评论 : 1907年,宋庆龄和宋美龄都是未成年人,应该有成年人带着,否则美国可能不会放行吧。到可以查查有没有她舅舅的记录。唐绍仪的那几篇不读也罢,不是写来读的,读着会很费劲。错误我自己也发现了一些,但是置顶暂不能改了,等一等。谢谢!
元亨利 发表评论于
回复 '如斯' 的评论 : 也希望多读到老乡的好文章!
元亨利 发表评论于
回复 '化外人' 的评论 : 谢谢!
觉晓 发表评论于
觉晓 发表评论于
我今年年初读书读到宋美龄去美国读书,就是你上面所提及的,是她姨夫温某某带的,温是留美幼童出生。那本书是在美国的一个香港人写的,多伦多图书馆有。1《东成西就——七个华人基督教家族与中西交流百年》 罗元旭(香港出版)
如斯 发表评论于
“这些就是我所感兴趣的历史的细节,也可以说是大型联合收割机轰隆隆地扫过之后历史麦田里捡拾的一朵两朵麦穗。” -- 愿君多采撷。
化外人 发表评论于