Democratic debate: Why didn't Andrew Yang wear a tie? See the picture below for his statement! How creative hilarious! 民主党辩论:为什么Andrew Yang不打领带? 他的陈述见下图! 多么有创意搞笑!
Very creative: 民主党辩论:安德鲁杨不戴领带,Twitter无法处理。商人和前技术执行官安德鲁·杨因不戴领带而引起了Twitter的注意。
Democratic debate: Andrew Yang doesn't wear a tie and Twitter can't handle it. Businessman and former tech executive Andrew Yang caught Twitter’s attention for not wearing a tie.
Aug 01, 2019 · Presidential hopeful Andrew Yang appears to be gaining ground among the casual office-wear brigade after he was applauded on social media for showing up to the second Democratic debate without a tie.
Andrew Yang stood out from the pack at Thursday night's Democratic presidential primary debate by eschewing a tie onstage. NBC anchor Brian Williams seemed shocked by the fact that Yang …
Andrew Yang wore no tie at the Democratic debate on Thursday night, and, in his tielessness, had a successful scandal. It is rare for a Presidential candidate to appear at an event of this tenor ...
Jun 27, 2019 · On Thursday, ten more Democrats took to the stage to debate everything from healthcare to immigration, but it seems all anyone can focus on is entrepreneur Andrew Yang ?— and his lack of a tie.
Presidential candidate Andrew Yang stirred up a response on social media during the Democratic debate Thursday night when it was quickly evident he was the only male candidate on stage …
Jun 27, 2019 · Democratic debate: Andrew Yang doesn't wear a tie and Twitter can't handle it. Businessman and former tech executive Andrew Yang caught Twitter’s attention for not wearing a tie.
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang had more to say during Thursday night's debate, but claims he was unable to do so because his mic was not turned on.
Andrew Yang, a New York entrepreneur who has never run for office before, has elbowed his way on to the Democratic debate stage Thursday night. With help of ‘Yang Gang,’ Andrew Yang elbows his ...
但是我们是杨帮(Yang Gang),我们相信我们的理念是有根据的,是经过深思熟虑的,是经得起推敲的,同样,我们认为他一定会取得最后的胜利,也是有根据的,是经过深思熟虑的,是经得起推敲的,是有逻辑性的。我们相信MATH,Make America Think Harder,让美国想的明白,想的清楚,而不是不想,或者想的太浅,想的愚蠢,想的错误,这些都会对美国造成不可挽回的危害。
但是Andrew Yang 和杨帮相信,历史已经到了一个新的阶段。从里根和撒切尔开始的保守主义现在受到极大的挑战,需要重新审视,加以调整,否则资本主义很可能就快走到了尽头。至少在英美两国,人们失去了对自由市场、自由贸易和人力自由流动的信心。同时,中国的社会主义制度也达到了让人民生活更好的目的,给人们另一个选择。换句话说,在里根之后的这几十年间,资本主义得到大幅度的增长,我们称之为财富积累时代,但是贫富不均,增长的财富只积累在少数人手里,变革的潮流此起彼伏,我们即将进入一个财富再分配的时代。资本主义向何处走,靠种族斗争只能苟延残喘,不会持久。在这个时候,人们如果不能从深层思考,不能Think harder,就只能沿用老掉牙的思维。看看吧,大多数民主党人都是社会主义,劫富济贫,大多数共和党人都是你死我活的资本主义,有人富得造火箭登火星,有人生活在老鼠爬来爬去的贫民窟。互相之间矛盾重重,不利美国的发展。
时势造英雄,Andrew Yang 就是这个时代等待的人物。
Andrew Yang的理念是基于人道的资本主义,既不要限制资本主义的发展,也不要让贫民干扰阻碍资本主义的动力,是从零水平提高到人道水平的资本主义。是不受老旧思维的创新思维模式,是做多的模式,是我赢别人也可以活得下去的模式,与之相反,左和右都是恐惧,他赢我失去的零和模式。
Andrew Yang 论分裂美国耍花招比不过川普,但论治理国家,运用我们东方的聪明智慧,结合西方的民主制度,带领美国各族群进入新的世纪,弥合族群斗争的创伤,今天看来,非Andrew Yang莫属。一年多前,甚至一个月前,人们还不看好他,但他不负众望,在辩论中时间最少,效率最高,大将风度,直指人心。如今,不论主流媒体还是网上个人媒体,都时时提到Andrew Yang。推特老板,特斯拉老板,脸书老板,这些他提出要加税给国民提供自由红利的老板,都支持他。可以说,Andrew Yang的星星之火 开始燎原。那些排名在他之后的民主党候选人,都是议员,州长,市长,可都没有达到Andrew Yang 的支持率,为什么?因为他们没有让人接受的理念,没有智慧,没有真诚。他们退选之后,他们的支持者马上就会归在Andrew Yang 的大旗下,因为他们不喜欢前边的建制派。而当选举人只有几个的情况下,Andrew Yang 的理念与那些建制派的区别,其优势和符合常理,就会一清二楚。在和川普的决斗中,他也能团结左右,击败川普。
华裔美国人,Andrew Yang 有百分之八十的捐款来自其他族裔,我们华裔更义不容辞。支持Andrew Yang,不左不右,一直向前。