有关安乐死, 据说在美国已经有7个州签署法令准许安乐死。安乐死是有条件的,必须有病人家属,医生,律师和教堂牧师的见证下,在现有医疗条件下无法治疗的晚期患者, 可以施行安乐死。 世界上只有瑞士只要有人愿意,签下安乐死的文件, 没有附加条件就可以施行安乐死。 这就是 Dr. David Goodall 飞往瑞士的原因,并且需要支付2万美金的费用。
无陌逐非 发表评论于
bei22000 发表评论于
hotpepper 发表评论于
How about looking into a Continuous Care Retirement Community (CCRC) where you can live independently when healthy, then when need arises, move into short term care or longterm/memory care facility. This is a different way of buying a long term insurance. Of course, homework is needed to screen out a good CCRC vs bad ones designed by for profit companies to scam senior citizens. Look for non profit CCRCs.
Being Mortal 中文版书名是 《最好的告别》,之外还有《当呼吸化为空气》(When breath becomes air)。 这两本都是医生写的。从普通人或者文学中老年的角度,Let's talk about death -- asking the questions that profoundly change the way we live and die
回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : “This is why even in middle age I'd like to figure out how I want to die and let it guide how I should live.” Thanks! I agree with you .
Thanks for sharing your story. This is why even in middle age I'd like to figure out how I want to die and let it guide how I should live.
Someone seemed to have figured out some time ago:
小溪姐姐 发表评论于
印度裔医生Atul Gawande写的书《Being Mortal》有这么一段话,特别的让我深思:“It is not death that the very old tell me they fear. It is what happens short of death—losing their hearing, their memory, their best friends, their way of life. As Felix put it to me, “Old age is a continuous series of losses.” Philip Roth put it more bitterly in his novel Everyman: “Old age is not a battle. Old age is a massacre.”
Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End
我们应该写好遗嘱,如病到某种程度就停药,不抢救。在美国,是尊重病人意愿的,(不会像在中国医院为了创收,被强制用药)意志坚强的,也可以自己主动绝食绝水。当然希望到时候,安乐死可以合法化,最后一程能去瑞士的是很美丽幸运的.我先生的父母都是在德州医院里,神智非常清醒的状况下,自己告诉医生“I have a sound mind and I am telling you to stop giving me any medical treatments now 尤其是我的婆婆,向她的几个Caregivers 一 一高别后,真是很有尊严,平静地离去。
Alabama 发表评论于
回复 '清漪园' 的评论 : 谢谢留言! 在清醒, 有能力时签下一份“Power of Attorney"就行, 在病人失去理智, 或肢体不能签署文件时, 可由指定代理人签署。在我太太病前都做了”Power of Attorney", 要不, 她丧失理智后入院和进入护理院都有困难。