911后,我亲历了美国的团结和坚强。当时最著名标语:united we stand(团结则强)充分说明美国万众一心同仇敌忾的气势。小布什两场战争,美国民心都没有散。而奥巴马八年,活生生把美国变成:divided we fall(分裂则亡)。也许,美国需要强大的敌人,才能团结。今年是911的第十八年,中美贸易战正酣。川普也获得了越来越高的支持。显然,美国人民已经充分认识到,谁是美国的敌人!
回复 'street0120003' 的评论 : what should I say? Bro, think deeply please!
一剑飘尘 发表评论于
回复 '19428182' 的评论 : they were brainwashed
street0120003 发表评论于
This blogger makes nonsense: Trump not Obama divides USA!
19428182 发表评论于
You are right, but there were someones in a big country who were celebrating the one of the biggest tragedies happened in USA. They are so happy for so many innocent people being killed, What's the basic morality of them?