pov: IG served 36 years in the military, in which 34 years as navy seal - integrity was established for the US, as said. Proud of his record, of course, expanded to his grand father with the same record. So what?
What does the career track landscape look like today in a democracy? Yes, if you're in politics, you're subjected to scrutiny - no entitlement to be out of law - that's "equal justice under law" - One wrong move, you're nailed down on the line of justice. Somewhere around the world, they laugh about such practice, but they wanted their children to come to the soil of freedom and democracy. They vote by their feet, gravatising toward such an annoyed system. What a human curse, conundrum, conflict of interest. Look around you: how many can you count?
Laugh as you can. But, I feel sad for those who live such a distorted life. Why don't they do something to change their own system instead of coming here to complain about this system? Yes, the president said truth - some brought their own problems here.
"The cover-up isn’t always worse than the crime, but it makes the crime worse. Hiding your mistakes casts doubt on your character. Coming clean signals that your actions were wrong but your intentions are good." (Adam Grant)
Ref.: (Still ongoing...)
Live updates from congressional testimony on whistleblower complaint

LIVE: Intelligence chief testifies about whistleblower report central to Trump impeachment inquiryhttps://reut.rs/2mTKrzb
‘I think the whistleblower did the right thing’: Director of National Intelligence Maguire replies to whether he believes the whistleblower is showing disloyalty toward the country. Watch live: https://reut.rs/2mTKrzb pic.twitter.com/k4H7CPYpgG

Whistleblower alleges Trump sought foreign meddling in 2020 election https://reut.rs/2lLNIjT pic.twitter.com/vFbRfVSyFR
Read the letter from the intelligence inspector general: https://reut.rs/2lkveGV
House begins Trump impeachment inquiry over call to Ukraine leader. More here: https://reut.rs/2l2pZvq pic.twitter.com/zkSdWfAKpm

Frequent flyer Pelosi leaves impeachment speech on the plane https://reut.rs/2lEUKHb pic.twitter.com/4hTik6AJ6l

Biden rises in poll as Ukraine scandal unfolds, interest in impeachment drops: Reuters poll https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-poll-idUSKBN1W9335?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm_content=5d8ae9ebc7c0480001b23c9e&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter …pic.twitter.com/evUkoMlATl
Trump defends Ukraine call, pushes back on Biden. More here: https://reut.rs/30DldmB pic.twitter.com/kQGtlGiYW0
White House Intelligence Committee releases whistleblower complaint about President Trump