先介绍一下桑兰德的证词关键:“要问川普要求乌克兰总统公开宣称乌克兰要调查拜登儿子,有没有利益交换?根据白宫的电话和会议内容,答案是:Yes”(Sondland:“Was there a ‘quid pro quo? With regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”)。
桑兰德接着说:“这道理简单到2+2=4”( he said, was obvious: “Two plus two equals four.”)。
桑德兰可是多次受川普下令要他跟乌克兰总统联系,而且他和国务院官员包括美国驻乌克兰大使在内的要美国给乌克兰军事援助、乌克兰新总统到白宫见川普的条件就是:必须先公开宣布调查拜登儿子。而且各位官员需要听从川普的私人律师Giuliani的安排。知道这件事的是非常广的一个大圈子,其中包括副总统彭斯、国务卿破皮袄、司法部长Barr、白宫办公厅主任Mulvaney、能源部长Perry,等等(“Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.”)。
国防部的Cooper 昨天也作证“川普要求乌克兰总统给川普办点事”,这件事乌克兰官方是清楚的。(The Defense Department’s Laura Cooper testified that Ukrainian officials started asking about it on July 25, which was the day of Trump’s phone call with the country’s new president when Trump first asked for “a favor.”),否决了共和党为川普辩护说乌克兰政府不知道川普的要求。
国安委官员Morrison也作证指出:“乌克兰想得到军事援助就必须公开宣布对拜登儿子进行调查”( "That the Ukrainians would have to have the prosecutor general make a statement with respect to the investigations as a condition of having the aid lifted.")。
美国驻乌克兰高级外交官(the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine)Taylor 也作证说:“我非常清楚,如果乌克兰不公开宣布调查拜登儿子,就别想拿到军事援助”(Taylor was asked whether U.S. military aid being withheld from Ukraine was conditioned on investigations. “That was my clear understanding, security assistance money would not come until the President [of Ukraine] committed to pursue the investigation,” Taylor testified.
先拿川普在竞选期间扬言“上台后就把希拉里关入监狱(lock her up!)”其实是“非法竞选”,来介绍美国的大陪审团制度。在美国年满35岁而且是出生在美国的公民并在竞选前在美国生活14年不是犯罪嫌疑人的美国公民都可以竞选总统。如果有人提出证据证明某候选人是犯罪嫌疑人,那就需要参议院审查。有必要组成大陪审团时,就需要参议院组大陪审团。大陪审团跟案件进入司法程序后的审理时组的陪审团,都是由平民百姓随机抽出来的,不同点在于:大陪审团审理时被告不能请律师为自己辩护,审理结果不是判是否有罪。
那为何川普用“Lock her up!”是非法的呢?因为大陪审团只能组一次。如果说川普是指他当选总统后要求国会修改宪法修正案:以后大陪审团可以组两次,且不说总统不能操纵国会立法,就算国会在他上台后通过了新的宪法修正案---可以组两次大陪审团,那对希拉里来说也毫无意义,因为任何新的法律生效期都不能早于新法签署的当天。所以,明明知道了希拉里通过了参院组的大陪审团的审理,还用“lock her up!”欺骗无知的选民,就是非法诈骗行为。川普上台后为了给被他欺骗的无知川粉们圆谎,他就让塞申斯调查希拉里,塞申斯告诉他这是违宪的,因为大陪审团只能组一次。川普就发推说塞申斯胆小如鼠,不敢调查希拉里。川粉们就信以为真,骂塞申斯无能,让川普无法实现竞选承诺:把希拉里关入监狱。
因为他们害怕,内心恐惧证人真的作证川普quid pro quo(利益交换),超过10人作证没一个站在川普一边,那就是证据确凿。就好比鸵鸟看到狼来了,他跑不过狼,害怕看到狼,就把头埋入沙子里。这就是典型的掩耳盗铃。当他们看到川普的推特说桑德兰作证说出了“川普给我打电话说他什么都不要,没有利益交换,”川粉们就如同座山雕看到了联络图一样兴奋不已。我查看了狐狸台的新闻,的确有这样的报道。不给出时间顺序,配合川普忽悠川粉们。
不谈川粉们是怎么被川普忽悠的,问题是:川普是否也被他人忽悠过?比如,彭斯给乌克兰总统打电话并没谈调查拜登儿子的事?比如金三胖?"North Korea has given up their nuclear weapons. We can all sleep better at night now.”当年如雷贯耳啊。
还有就是共和党藐视法律而喜欢黑社会一样的操作。比如对待拜登父子,如果认为人家犯法了,没资格参选总统,那就组大陪审团啊,简单不?共和党控制着参院,参院有责任对总统参选者犯罪嫌疑人组大陪审团审理,就跟当年对待希拉里一样,看看大陪审团审理结果是什么不就完了?没那信心组大陪审团,就玩阴的,黑人家。民主党根本就无法也不敢阻止参院组大陪审团审理拜登父子啊,怕什么呢?不就是怕被打脸吗?拜登也不能派律师去大陪审团给自己辩护,多么公平合理的事儿?还有,大陪审团审理结果希拉里并没犯法,有资格竞选总统,可川普在竞选时还在大喊 lock her up 骗无知川粉们的选票。川普这笔账迟早要还给的,这属于选举法里的欺诈竞选。
因为川普不满海军处理那个违法的海豹突击队员的事,海军部长被炒了 Defense Secretary Mark Esper fired Navy Secretary Richard Spencer on Sunday over the controversial case of a Navy SEAL that has created high-level friction between the president and the Pentagon.https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/trump-to-allow-internal-review-of-navy-seal-case-11574599532
回复 '润涛阎' 的评论 : The Trump dynasty preparation has already started. RNC recently spent more than $100k to promote Don Jr's book! Trump fans in WXC need to wake up unless they really miss their good times under Mao's culture revolution.
Speaking at a California Republican Party convention over the weekend, President Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, predicted that “the Trumps will be a dynasty that will last for decades. I think they’re all amazing people, with amazing capabilities. I think you see that from Don Jr. I think you see that from Ivanka. You see it from Jared.”
回复 '润涛阎' 的评论 : Trump's campaign manager already making noise that Trump plans seek constitutional change to enable him for 4 terms, total of 16 years. Then they will pass the presidency to his daughter or son. Looks like he is really dreaming to duplicate 金三胖 here in the USA.
hotpepper 发表评论于
Pence just paid a visit to Iraq to the US troops there and held high level talks to Iraq government officials as well as Kurds. 好戏等着看!
Biden Hunter也是律师,同时还是lobbyist, 做大公司的董事每年50万真不贵。
最近川总的私人律师Giuliani 就收了乌克兰人 $500,000,原因是对 Lev Parnas的公司 "Fraud Guarantee"提供了咨询,明显是按次数收的费用,比Hunter按时间折算贵多了.纽约检查官正查这件事。
时不时来看看 发表评论于
Sen. Lindsey Graham现在推动调查Hunter Biden程序上没有任何问题,但结果不太会改变。因为Obama后期这件事就被提起过,焦点是否"conflict of interest"而非别的比如利益输送,当时的白宫答复是Hunter是个自由的美国人,没有"conflict of interest"。那时参众两院都是共和党把持,那个疑问肯定都经过讨论认可的。估计这是博主说参院调查过Biden并认可其参选资格的一点背景。这个调查是顺手做的,杨安泽的背景调查就达不到参议院一级。
1. 墨西哥付建墙费 Mexico will pay for the wall.
2. 把希拉里关入监狱 Lock her up!
3. 人人都包括在内的便宜的医疗保险 Great healthcare plan for everyone.
4. 我要清理肮脏的政坛 I will drain the swamp (he actually diverted a sewerful into it)
5. 我会看人也就只招最棒的阁员 I know, and will hire, all the best people (why have they all left?)
6. GDP每年6%增长 GDP growth of 6 percent (actually, it's less than 2% today)
7. 平衡预算 Balance the budget (actually, highest budget deficit in history)
8. 贸易战非常容易赢 Tariff wars are easy to win.
9. 我一旦当选,立刻公开税表 I'll produce my tax returns, absolutely and I would love to do that.
根据记录,从川普上台已经超过13千个谎言 Approaching 14,000 lies since inauguration
然而,铁的事实(医保、平衡预算、墨西哥出钱建墙、GDP 6% 增长...)就在那摆着,可崇拜川普的川粉依然认为川普实现了诺言,对事实置若罔闻。这就是教徒的特征,群羊效应,改变不了。讲道理没效果的。
FotoCellar 发表评论于
Arnoldlxa 发表评论于
回复 '阿乐泰' 的评论 : 谢谢了提供了细节,果然宗教这种玩法就这么神奇。我去看看《Lives in the Shadow with J. Krishnamurti》。看来J. Krishnamurti的私生活的确有趣,他的那帮信徒帮他掩盖了很多他的很多缺点(目前实锤实私生活-和他宣称的生活方式相违背) ,那么他的信徒写的传记就显得吹嘘他的神奇了(《克里希那穆提传》((印)普普尔·贾亚卡尔)。果然还是乌泱泱的羊群对吹嘘起来的骗子的崇拜。
阿乐泰 发表评论于
Arnoldlxa: Krishnamurti是否真正想阎老师一样看得通透还是一个借用宗教名义的欺世道名之徒?
有一本书, Lives in the Shadow with J. Chrishnamurti, 作者是从小一直和Chrishnamurti长大的,他最亲近的两个人的女儿,细节感觉蛮真实的。
Trump just announced Pence will be his running mate for 2020. Just as I said, he needs the evangelicals to vote for him and Pence can bring those voters for him.
回复 '润涛阎' 的评论 : Agree, this year's political drama showed how DUMB the average American voters are! This is a total blow to the "American Exceptionalism". These events remind us 1966-1970 in China.
hotpepper 发表评论于
回复 '润涛阎' 的评论 : I completely agree with you. On the personal basis, Trump is not that popular among those core and long time republican politicians. Pence struggled with his base to accept Trump's behavior about women, for example, in the early 2016 election stage. We will keep our eyes open to see the upcoming shows, like you said.
“You don‘t even have to be convicted of a crime. To lose your job in this constitutional republic, if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity of the office”,
Pence may not be good for the US. Remember he was an extreme right wing radio talk show host. His talk shows laid the foundation for his election to the US Congress from Indiana. Then he was elected as the state governor but he did not enjoy that position at all. He was viewed as a failed governor with no ability to govern. He had no interest in the admirative tasks because he was a 只说不练 type of person. He jumped on the Trump shit to avoid being voted out of the governor's office. He will be as bad as Trump but in different aspects.
Actually Trump needs Pence for the evangelical voters. Pence is the representative of the extreme right but loyal evangelicals to Trump until recent Trump's dump of Kurds. This crack in the Trump base could cast some doubt to Trump's future. Let's see.
第二个问题: Krishnamurti是否真正想阎老师一样看得通透还是一个借用宗教名义的欺世道名之徒?
Krishnamurti是一个有趣的宗教人士: 他要求人们质疑权威,不要迷信他。有意思的是1929年他解散专为他设立的“世界明星社”,退还所有信徒的捐款,他发誓即使一无所有也不成立任何组织,并宣称真理是无路可走的,你不能通过任何途径、任何宗教、任何教派来接近它。(I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. That is my point of view, and I adhere to that absolutely and unconditionally. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or to coerce people along any particular path.)http://legacy.jkrishnamurti.org/about-krishnamurti/dissolution-speech.php 。