In China, Mundipharma managers have required sales representatives to copy patients’ private medical records without consent, in apparent violation of Chinese law, current and former employees told AP. Former reps also said they sometimes disguised themselves as medical staff, putting on white doctor’s coats and lying about their identity to visit patients in the hospital. As in the U.S., marketing material in China made claims about OxyContin’s safety and effectiveness based on company-funded studies and outdated data that has been debunked
关键不是萌蒂有多坏,而是这些在美国被认为构成刑事罪的商业作假(声称奥施康定不上瘾)能在中国站得住脚,查了查,中国方面在合众社捅了篓子后还不见反应,倒是“Mundipharma said it was taking immediate action to investigate the allegations uncovered by AP“。
萌蒂也可以说冤枉,因为它的产品是中国政府自己认可,主动向全国医院推广的,“By early 2017, OxyContin had captured roughly 60 percent of the cancer pain market in China”,主要是用于癌症治疗(止疼)。不过合众社的报道揭露了它既蒙骗的美国政府和美国人民,也蒙骗了中国政府和中国人民。有些在美国定罪的宣传假的依据去年还在中国用。
问题是中国国内不可能没人知道这些内幕,不肯能没人参与,“假医生”可不是洋鬼子能冒充的。“One current and three former sales reps who worked in different parts of China told the AP that managers required them to upload patients’ medical records, obtained without consent, to a company chat group each day”,美国医药产业那套推销手段在中国真是“全面跟进”,有迹象说奥施康定已在中国泛滥(见下文),原来只用于癌症止疼,现在也被用于一般止疼了。对中国医疗界略知一二的人一定知道医生给内瞎吃药瞎打针不是偶然的,而是治疗手段的一部分,只有医保允许(就是出钱),没有该吃不该吃的。
Fan told AP he has never taken money directly from Mundipharma.
When AP told Fan about Purdue’s 2007 guilty plea, he seemed shocked. He said he had never looked for scientific evidence to prove that sustained release opioids are less likely to cause addiction.