


贻贝俗称海红,或青口, 又叫淡菜,壳菜, 等等。 叫淡菜的原因是它本身含盐分。它在被加工成干制品的时候不用加盐。


海红是一种北美超市里常见的海鲜, 而且是一般少见的活的海鲜。因为在美国东北部一般超市里卖的鱼虾等, 除了龙虾之外, 都是经过速冻处理的。


海红有各种吃法,清蒸红烧,做汤炖肉, 麻辣酒糟,还有中式西式, 每个地方都不一样, 每个人的口味各有所好。 各家饭店也各有擅长。


波士顿的中国城还保留着很多老一代移民的传统, 不像纽约的法拉盛那样日新月异。 我在波士顿吃广东早茶时, 很喜欢里面的一道蚝油炒海红。 现在来山寨一下。


海红1-2 磅, 把外壳洗干净

中等大小的洋葱 个: 切成丝

芫荽 (香菜):  小把, 切碎

植物油: 桌匙

黄酒: 桌匙

蚝油: 桌匙

淀粉 桌匙, 加冷水 杯混匀


香油 几滴




在炉子上用大锅烧一锅水, 待水开后, 加入海红, 盖上锅盖


不开的海红会不太好, 应该扔掉




加入姜和洋葱, 煸至香味溢出

加入海红,黄酒和蚝油, 继续煸炒五分钟


加入芫荽, 胡椒粉及香油, 拌匀后出锅










Stir-fried Mussels with Oyster Sauce



Mussels 2 Ib, cleaned

1 medium sized onion, coarsely sliced

Cilantro: 1 bunch, finely chopped

Cooking oil 3 tablespoons 

Ginger: a few slices 

Oyster sauce: tablespoons 

Cooking wine: 3 tablespoons 

Starch: 1 tablespoon, add 1 cup of cold water, mixed well

Black pepper (optional): 1 teaspoon



Heat the water in a large and deep boiling pot, bring it to boiling.

Add mussels to boiling water

Cook till water boiling again

Take out the mussels which should have shells widely open

Discard the water and any unopened mussels 


Heat the cooking oil in a large frying pan over medium heat

Add ginger and onion, and cook until softened, about 5 min

Add mussels and oyster sauce

Cover the pot and cook another 5 min

Add the well mixed water starch in the pot and give it a good stir

Cook until the sauce becomes thickened 

Add the cilantro, and pepper, mixed well.







