【專輯藝人】:John Williams約翰·威廉斯, Anne-Sophie Mutter安妮·索菲·穆特
【專輯名稱】:Across The Stars星際穿越 - Soundtrack
【唱片公司】:Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin
【專輯風格】:配樂伴奏/ Soundtrack
在美國著名作曲家約翰·威廉斯許多偉大的電影配樂作品中,經過精挑細選後,由威廉斯為德國女小提琴家安妮·索菲·穆特重新編排伴奏的旋律,演繹十二首經典電影主題。可說在星空上是一次真正的心靈交匯。穆特的獨特金色調與威廉斯的奢華曲調很像戴上了“Schindler’s List”辛德勒名單中美麗主題的手套,以及“Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones”《星球大戰:第二集:克隆人的進攻》中《星際穿越》浩瀚與浪漫的融合,而穆特的精湛技巧則啟發了威廉斯將 Hedwig’s Theme《哈德維格的主題》從“Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone”哈利·波特和哲學家的石頭轉變成小提琴和管弦樂團的幻想作品。這裡也有一些鮮為人知的珍寶,包括1973年Cinderella Liberty《灰姑娘自由》心情飛漲的Nice To Be Around和1979年電影Dracula《吸血鬼》裡令人抓狂的Night Journeys。
01.Rey’s Theme (From “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”) (3:17)
02.Yoda’s Theme (From “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back”) (3:35)
03.Hedwig’s Theme (From “Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone”) (6:04)
04.Across The Stars (Love Theme) (From “Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones”) (5:18)
05.Donnybrook Fair (Based On “Blowing Off Steam” From “Far And Away”) (3:53)
06.Sayuri’s Theme (From “Memoirs Of A Geisha”) (4:44)
07.Night Journeys (From “Dracula”) (5:38)
08.Theme (From “Sabrina”) (4:59)
09.The Duel (From “The Adventures Of Tintin”) (4:24)
10.Luke And Leia (From “Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi”) (5:01)
11.Nice To Be Around (From “Cinderella Liberty”) (4:02)
12.Theme (From “Schindler’s List”) (4:13)
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- 01.Rey's Theme (From Star Wars The Force Awakens)
- 02.Yoda's Theme (From Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back)
- 03.Hedwig's Theme (From Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone)
- 04.Across The Stars (Love Theme) (From Star Wars Attack Of The Clones)
- 05.Donnybrook Fair (Based On Blowing Off Steam From Far And Away)
- 06.Sayuri's Theme (From Memoirs Of A Geisha)
- 07.Night Journeys (From Dracula)
- 08.Theme (From Sabrina)
- 09.The Duel (From The Adventures Of Tintin)
- 10.Luke And Leia (From Star Wars Return Of The Jedi)
- 11.Nice To Be Around (From Cinderella Liberty)
- 12.Theme (From Schindler's List)
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