【專輯名稱】Classical Moods《DREAMS》
【專輯藝人】Various Artists
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- (01) [林姆斯基-高沙可夫] The Sea And Sinbad's Ship (Opening From Scheherazade, Op.35)
- (02) [孟德爾頌] Opening (From The Herbrides Overture - Fingal's Cave)
- (03) [孟德爾頌] Scherzo (From A Midsummer Night's Dream, Op.61)
- (04) [格里格] In The Hall Of The Mountain King (From Peer Gynt)
- (05) [杜卡斯] Scherzo (Excerpt) (From The Sorcerer's Apprentice)
- (06) [穆索爾斯基] Night On The Bare Mountain
- (07) [聖桑] Aquarium (From Carnival Of The Animals)
- (08) [聖桑] Fossils (From Carnival Of The Animals)
- (09) [德布西] Claire De Lune (From Suite Bergamasque No.3)
- (10) [拉威爾] Assez Vif (Mvmt II Beginning From String Quartet In F Major)
- (11) [薩蒂] Gnossienne No.1
- (12) [穆索爾斯基] Ballet Of The Unhatched Chicks (From Pictures At An Exhibition)
- (13) [拉威爾] Alborada Del Gracioso (1905)
- (14) [楊納傑克] Andante (Mvmt II From Sinfonietta, Op.60)
- (15) [霍爾斯特] Neptune, The Mystic (From The Planets, Op.32)