Law and Order, Fiscal Responsibility, free market, 曾经多么动听的词汇,都被民主党排到马桶里去了?美国的民主堪忧!
之子于征 发表评论于
回复 'nightrider' 的评论 : It is quite ironic for someone like you, who obviously came from a China background, argue not only in a language that is not your mother tongue, but also from such a strange logic of reasoning. If you really want to support “the dictator wanna be”, attention, the key here is the "wanna be" part, choose someone better, someone who indeed has the knowledge, the skills, the vision, and at least, the ability to speak and write the language you are using now at a level that a native speaker should have. Trump is a con, a narcissist, someone who badly needs to see a psychiatrist, and if this is the person that you want your children to look up to, again, “Good Luck”.
nightrider 发表评论于
"我和这些极左的民主党人有一些不同,但是我还是相信他们的基本愿望是好的,是可以认可的。" Obviously you have never heard what people like Mao Zedong or other communists said and advocated before they had usurped the power. It was, without exception, all ostensibly for the greater good of the society. It is exactly people like you who are seduced by the communist/socialist rhetorics and would eventually surrender their own power and rights to the evil.
什么分裂的共和党,民主党才分裂呢,民主党弹劾川普根本就是一场闹剧,骑虎难下只能硬着头皮演下去了。民主党的希夫说要指控川普 quid pro quo,这项指控到哪去了?所以民主党自己议员都开始反水了。
hotpepper 发表评论于
I completely agree! I voted for republicans over the years, not in 2016, but the party now is being misled by thug Trump who has destroyed the traditional values of the republican party. He is an opportunitieist, a democract at one time and a pathological liar who has an expertise in manipulate mass opinion of his red neck base. It is a Trump party, not republican party. Just like Mao's party in China during cultural revolution.
如果你想要law and order 的话,就要支持共和党。民主党已经被极左给绑架了。支持非法移民,这是law吗?在没有法律证据的情况下弹劾总统,这是law吗?居然公开声称 nothing is impeachable.那么总统留一个你不喜欢的发型是不是也该弹劾?这是law吗?开了一个什么先例?奥巴马称180镑的抢杂货店的黑人是天使,谴责警察,这是law吗?在底特律,还有加州的很多地方警察都不愿执法,因为抓了也会被法官放了的。这是law 和 order 吗?