University of Alaska Fairbanks的校园里有一个博物馆, 造型很是独特。如果你把蓝天之下的空间想像成广袤的大海,这个白色的建筑就像是一个在蓝色的海洋里悠闲游动的巨大海豚,有阳光照在它的身上,它张着嘴,不慌不忙地乐着。它的门口不远处还有一个细长的图腾柱子,好像上面是各种各样的脸,可能和爱斯基摩人的膜拜有关。我今天要说的有关Alaska的第三个记忆,就发生在这里。
毛毛你太厉害了!观察力想象力太丰富!我去过那个博物馆几次,经常经过,咋就没有想到它长的像海豚呢?如果你是在2009年后来的阿拉斯加,咱们说的应该是同一个博物馆: Museum f the North. 我从网上找了段介绍:Breathtaking architecture and award-winning exhibits make the museum an extraordinary destination to discover Alaska Native cultures, natural wonders, and diverse wildlife all in one stop. Open year-round on the UAF campus. The University of Alaska Museum of the North is a thriving visitor attraction, a vital component of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the only research and teaching museum in Alaska with over 2.2 million artifacts and specimens.