A dark colored newly looking bus was awaiting by the road curb when I exited the company building around 5 pm. One bus with 50 seats was first arranged to take us to the boat for the Christmas Party, and later another bus was added when more people chose to take the bus instead of driving on their own. Taking the bus is preferably a better choice to me, as it is hassle free, not to worry about directions, traffic or parking.
I seated myself next to the co-worker U, a plump lady twice my size. Being fairly new to the company, she was coaxed by me to attend the party by my promise of giving her my two alcoholic drink tickets each employee is entitled to. When the bus started to crawl in the rush hour traffic, our conversations flowed on. Her background of being an immigrant from Poland to Canada, and then Canada to the U.S. made the exchange of immigration experience viable and a good topic. Her U. S green card petition took only a year, while mine almost seven painful years. But then a story of how her dad fled from communist Poland to Canada, and how after two years of separation (under the close watch and restriction of the Polish government) they were united on the free land unfolded to me. When I asked about the concentration camp in Poland, another appalling story was revealed, a story of how her grandma, a Jew, by marrying to a non-Jewish grandfather survived the atrocity, while the rest of her grandma’s whole family were herded to the camp and got killed. She said that her grandma used to tell her how the night air was filled with the strong smell when the dead bodies in the camp were burnt nightly. She told me how her mom has the habit of keeping diary, and on an impulse of that, I reached for my cell phone with my blog page, showing her my recent visit to Seattle and Oregon, mostly the pictures of course, as she could not read Chinese, and the English version is too small to read in the dimly lit bus.
At a little over 6, the bus arrived at the destination. A white color medium sized boat decked with bright white Christmas lights was anchored by. It is a three floored boat, with the top deck opening to the night wind. About thirty minutes after we boarded, the boat started moving. After a self-served dinner of beef, chicken and some vegies, people rose to the second deck, where stands of poker games were set on one side and dancing music on the other end. The music, along with the compressed noisy talks, were so deafening it almost drowned the voice from the loudspeaker, announcing the winning number for the raffles. My game ticket was also given away to a co-worker, and not much interested in the dancing in the crowd, I followed the narrow stairs up to the third floor. The sea breeze was invigoratingly fresh. Strolling on the deck, passing by a handful of employees, greeting or hugging one or two old ones, I then walked to the end and enjoyed a moment of solitude. The holiday decorated bays, in their red, blue and white lights, glowed in the dark. Occasionally, another boat in the similar glimmering vibe, glided by us. High above, a full moon perched. I stared into it for a minute or so, adoring the splendor of full moon, the final full moon (12/12/2019) in the decade.
An old co-worker approached me and suggested going down to the main deck. A flight of steep narrow stairs led us back to the second floor, where 80 percent of people thronged for games or dancing. Before we turned back in, we stopped at the front open deck. Stirred in the wind was a pungent marijuana odor someone must have smoked blatantly. Though it is legalized now to smoke it, in this context, apparently the conduct is far from being appropriate. Minutes later, an informed HR executive stepped in for an investigation, claiming that she would have fired the offender(s) if she caught them on the spot.
Inside the boat, people went on wriggling to the music. The game tables were still surrounded by players and watchers. The noises did not die down until the boat was back in the dock around 9:15 pm.
This year, the early winter rain at the end of November continued into December. When it finally cleared up this past Saturday, I dragged him along for a hike in the nearby valley that we used to frequent. It was almost 11 am when we set out, but the sun was not out yet. Under the leaden sky, the valley covered with the withered lifeless mustard from the last spring looked dull. However, in this deadly looking winter, spring is poking its head. New grasses shoot up from the ground, a few resilient wildflowers are blooming off the wilted twigs. We hiked and relished at the sight, knowing that the best is yet to come.
退出职场很多年了,当年公司圣诞是邀请配偶 or special one 一起参加圣诞Party的。也就是租个Hotel,大吃一顿,赌博,抽奖,喝酒,唱歌,跳舞。公司提供Taxi送喝醉的员工回家的。抽奖可以抽到各样礼品,礼券,包括Hotel免费里券。退休后的日子过得真快,一眨眼,又到了圣诞,感谢文城有缘遇到善良,友好,好文笔的暖冬妹妹,也祝妹妹阖家节日快乐,安康如意!
party 总是吵吵闹闹的,吃吃喝喝,唱歌跳舞,打牌喝酒,其实不搞这些,好像也没啥好热闹了。不过,暖冬有自己独特的庆祝节日方式,是完全可以理解的,喜欢清静的人很多,比如那些没去的同事基本就是:))。
回复 'ziqiao123' 的评论 : 谢谢子乔指正,你厉害,你是对的,solitude is a noun, which I must have confused with an adjective. So a moment of solitude is right, while mine is grammatically incorrect. 我知道我会出不少错的,等女儿回来让她在忙着挑挑。我现在中英文都写,英文是重点,子乔知我。高科技还是美国经济的支柱,不过现在华尔街要的是盈利,所以公司不可能总是那么铺张,我想。祝子乔节日快乐!
暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : Thanks, my friend. I know you are right. Actually I know this word, flung=fling (v.), and I questioned this word for a second without checking the dictionary again. I must have confused this with a word that contains "-ung" to describe a ladder. Thanks so much for pointing out. I will remember to practice more to minimize the mistakes. You don't have to learn dancing. You have enough sports and exercise:)) Thanks again my friend. Happy holidays!
那两个毛球球是什么东西?你们公司有多少人,一艘船够吗?我们公司的holiday party一年不如一年。感觉整个硅谷也远不如当年的盛况。暖冬现在主要focus 在英文写作上了;)请教一个问题,“a moment of being solitude”,being是不是可以省略?
7grizzly 发表评论于
My workplace had something similar on the night Tim and I went to see A Prairie Home Companion.
I never enjoyed drinking parties and I couldn't dance. Maybe I should learn. It should be good exercise.
> a flung of steep narrow stair
Did you mean "a flight of steep narrow stairs"?
回复 'Once-always' 的评论 : Oncemm好! 给你沏茶,暖暖身子。我这文如果不上首页也是没什么人看的,自己记录下来。船开得很慢,倒是没什么感觉,不觉得晃,只是没什么新意的。不过,人生到我这个年龄,或许万事都没什么新意了,对你而言,the best is yet to come,好好享受人生吧,人生真是太匆匆了。写错字在我很正常,我还是第一次看到你写错字,小说什么都没有过任何错字,可见你的功底。谢谢mm惦记,希望你早日康复痊愈,过一个快乐的圣诞新年! All my best wishes!
Once-always 发表评论于
oh, 一激动下面寥寥几字好多typo. 暖mm你们公司party好啊,坐船看夜景,多美。船晃人也晃,都不用喝酒了。:) 没想到你们的春天都要来了,而我们的冬天刚刚开始。接近年关,总有些伤感,喜欢你的最后一句,the best is yet to come. 这么一想,也就不再感慨时间的流逝了。我马上又要party去了,直到今天身体还没恢复,就去凑凑热闹,争取早点回家休息。祝暖mm一切好!