今天要说的是漂亮白妞Bell. 这个房客是我从前房东手里接手的。房子刚接手没几天, 她就给我发短信,说她要求我换锁, 说他男朋友和他闹掰了也搬走了,她很害怕他半夜过来伤害她。我赶紧查了一下租约给她回信: 对不起, 我不能给你换锁,因为他仍在租约上,没有他同意,我不能把他锁在门外。我暗示她,她实在害怕可以自己换锁。 然而, 第二天一早, 她就短信我说, 坏了,她开门时把钥匙断在里边了! 奶奶的, 我心里暗骂, 当我是傻子。 我回信说十分钟后我可以给你换锁。 我匆匆赶过去一看,漂漂亮亮的白妞,身边一个乌黑的黑人少年,歪戴着棒球帽。她大方的给我说这是她男朋友。我很诧异的说, 不是说他搬走了吗? NO, That's my ex. 靠! 这合约刚签两个月啊,就换男朋友了。一边换锁,一边给她聊天。 她在动物园照顾动物。 前男友没有工作,从来不交房租。现在这个男友也没有工作,是个学生。匆匆换完锁, 给了她两把钥匙。暗暗替这白妞不值,为啥这样瞎搞男朋友。
树欲静,风不止。 没有几天,这白妞就又发信,说热水不热,而且是从入住都不热。 我就去给他调高了温度。 再过几天,又来信,说有蚂蚁,我就去给她杀蚂蚁。 每次去,都是黑男子在家。感觉很不爽,心想,得找个机会让他们滚蛋为妙。
忽然一个凌晨,我起床去厕所看一眼手机。 满满的一屏短信提示。 我一看,奶奶的, 编故事呢?! 说她要求搬走,说前男友昨天晚上破门而入。 踢坏了两个门。挟持她和她的现男友。开了一枪,差点爆头。最后问我能不能退押金? 我靠, 当我傻瓜吗?这狗血谎话。 我淡淡的回了一句:sure you can break the lease, I will check the damage first today. 顺便揶揄了一句:have the police arrested your ex? 心里想, 赶紧滚蛋吧!
一大早, 我去出租房, 隔壁租客看见我跑过来说:你知道吗?昨天晚上好多警车在这里啊!心里咯噔一下,原来是真的啊!
Two adults and two juveniles — including one teen accused of pistol whipping a man — were arrested over the weekend after a home invasion on Creek Road, police said.
Police were dispatched to a home invasion call at Creek Road, around 3:40 a.m. Saturday about a woman being threatened by someone with a gun. When officers arrived, they saw three black males dressed in dark clothing leaving the apartment. When officers ordered the three to stop, the suspects took off running through some nearby woods.
The callers told police the men had kicked in the apartment door and threatened them with a gun, then stole around $2,200. A K9 officer and his handler tracked a trail to a backpack at 4205 Ranch Road. The dog then continued to search and led his handler to a unsecured basement door of a residence on LaCasa Drive. One juvenile was found hiding in the basement and officers took him into custody.
While the K9 officer was tracking the suspects, Officer William Saulsbury interviewed the reported victims. The homeowner told police that she, her boyfriend, a friend and the friend’s infant were in the apartment when the boyfriend saw a Mercury Mountaineer driving around the apartment area.
Police and court documents said:
• Within a few minutes, there was a knock at the door. The man at the door pulled out a handgun, so the two adults ran upstairs while the friend and baby stayed downstairs.
• The suspects kicked in the door and entered the residence. The male victim and his girlfriend hid in an upstairs bathroom and locked the door, but the intruders kicked that door in, too. At that point, the male victim tried to disarm the suspect and during the struggle, the firearm discharged into the floor above the location of the adult and infant downstairs.
• The male victim was then beaten and pistol whipped by one of the juvenile suspects who had the gun, The suspects went through drawers until they found a wallet that contained the $2,200 that belonged to the female victim who lived in the apartment.
• The victims said they knew the juvenile with the gun as well as Garcia and Cole. The victims also identified the juvenile found hiding in the basement of a nearby residence as one of the intruders.
Cole and Garcia were being held at the Washington County Detention Center on $157,000 bond and $146,000 bond, respectively. Both juveniles were being held at the Upper East Tennessee Regional Juvenile Detention Center. A detention hearing for them was scheduled for Wednesday.
接上回。 话说我了解到白妞Bell 真的遭遇了生死一劫,我非常震惊。 当即给她回了短信:对你的经历非常同情, 同时也对你的安全非常担心。 我建议你赶紧搬家, 如果打扫卫生, 我会全额退回你的押金。 Bell 很快回信, 这周末就会全部搬出。我心中释然, 盼她赶快走,我也要重新翻开我的篇章。我走到后门一看, 门框已经踢破, 门虚掩着, 一楼地板明显在打包装箱。
这是一个多家庭房子, 我接手的时候有7 个是空的。 周五的晚上,天还很亮。 我看到BELL 的公寓门前停了一辆卡车, 几个黑人小年轻在紧张的搬东西。 我不想给这些黑兄弟见面, 就躲在一个对面空房的二楼观察动静。 刚看几分钟, 就发现不对头。 我看见另外两个房客也夹杂在搬家的队伍中, 二人好像在谋划什么,心中有个不详的预感。。 一个是多人暗地里给我说的手脚不干净的高个子小白,20岁出头。在这个公寓从6岁住到现在。 二居室的房子住爹妈,和小年期夫妇以及一个5岁的女儿,一共5人。 600 的房租我负责水。 短短接手房子两个月,已经和他,警察打过好几次交道。 另外一个是不瑞恩, 这个是我刚接手三天就招进的房客,也是我地主以来第二个招人失误。 关于不瑞恩应该是我风花雪月的第二个人物,下次咱再费笔墨。
晚上大约9点多,收到BELL的短信, 说是最后一车, 房间也打扫过了, 啥时候给押金。我赶紧打过去电话, 顺便问他不瑞恩等人是怎么回事?BELL说, 不瑞恩说他是你的管理员啊, 她说要把炉子拉走, 而且他同意另外一个房客把窗式空调搬走了。我震惊, 我的确是让他装过两个地板,奶奶的怎么就管理员了? 二话不说, 立即直奔不瑞恩家。 一点情面不留, 限15分钟把空调送回来, 不然警察马上过来。 不瑞恩非常服从,直接去那房客家,几分钟就把空调送了回去。 我心中暗暗决心, 都给我滚蛋走人。