中国油条=French croissant法国羊角面包

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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I asked a few to translate "中国油条" to English. Here is the list of answers:

  •  Chinese Fritters
  • (fried noodles)
  • Chinese cruller,
  • Chinese fried churro,
  • Chinese oil stick
  • Fried Chinese Breadstick
  • fried dough stick
  • photo 1Image result for 中国油条 Chinese Fritters (fried noodles)

My perspective:

None of above captures the puff-up, loose, crispy physique of 中国油条口感松脆有韧劲. HML said, French croissant (法国羊角面包)! That's the best to describe (photo 1, compared to photo 2)

Image result for croissantphoto 2)



Youtiao - Wikipedia

中国油条 Chinese Fritters (fried noodles) from
Youtiao, also known as Chinese cruller, Chinese fried churro, Chinese oil stick, Chinese ... Youtiao wrapped in a rice noodle roll is known as zháliǎng. .... Chinese Doughnut Recipe (Crisp Fried Fritters/Breadstick) | 油條 Yóutiáo - Angel Wong's ...
Missing: 中国 ‎| Must include: 中国
油条,是一种古老的汉族面食,长条形中空的油炸食品,口感松脆有韧劲,中国传统的早点之一。那么你想知道 ... 的相关英语表达:. 中式油条Chinese fried twisted dough-rolls ... 马铃薯油条potato fritter. 油条的英语 ... 乌龙面Seafood noodles. 4. 汤类.