2019年4月22日,特斯拉的一次关于自动驾驶的发布会,Tesla Autonomy Day,从1:10:12开始看。
1:11:45 Tesla 芯片设计师Peter Bannon 开讲。
1:51:20 AI 负责人Andrej Karpathy。太棒!86年生,语速超快,表达自信 。
2:50:10 软件负责人Stuart Bowers 。
3:00:00后,Elon Musk关于RoboTaxi 的介绍;你如果在uber工作,请一定要看看。
1:59:19 Teaching the machine with labels.
2:01:39 Teaching the machine with variety of data.
2:04:24 the world is strange. Using real data is better then simulation.
2:05:18 The three most important things for teaching neural networks.
2:06:07 Teaching object detection.
2:08:31 Neural net process. "Data Engine"
2:14:39 Path prediction around corners. "Paths it can't even see"
2:19:19 3D reconstruction using only video.
2:20:45 Neural net vision just as good as radar.