
1. 上海芭蕾舞团复工图


2. 这个口罩貌似简易,但颜色比较少见。

A street vendor wears a mask over his mouth as a precaution against the spread of the new coronavirus in Mexico City, Friday, Feb. 28, 2020. Mexico's assistant health secretary announced Friday that the country now has confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)


3 .米兰时装周上的模特范,一丝不苟的色彩搭配。
Corona virus - designer face masks



5. 疫情感染严重的豪华邮轮鑽石公主号,1日已经完成全员下船,而其中最后一名离开的人,就是义大利籍的船长阿尔马(Gennaro Arma)。图为下船后隔天,公主游轮官方脸书发布一张船长离开时的身影,盛讚阿尔马是一位英雄,在疫情危急的时刻仍表现专业出众。
