事不关己显human sins

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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pov of news of today: 1) Shannen Doherty talented actress from "91210" TV series, which I loved viewing those early days at US schools - May God bless her.

2) Sen. Rand Paul read aloud the name of the alleged whistleblower ! Is it agaist the law to protect the whistleblower? 事不关己显人恶 sinful selfish

3) 21st-century election requires 19th-century technology. So, I stick with low tech.

4) "六百箱口罩快递途中被政府“征用” 警察:出门打断腿" 武汉协和医院的20万口罩究竟是谁捐的? ?  zf should not have squeezed the kindness and trust of the public; neither should zf not provide free PPE for all - even zf could throw out >$60 billion in some countries. Never abuse the public -grassroots kindness and tolerance - if too much to break the threshold boundary - never get it back. May God bless all with freedom and democracy 事不关己显人恶


The Only Safe Election Is a Low-Tech Election

The New York Times
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事不关己显human sins

来源: TJKCB 于 2020-02-04 12:41:33 [档案] [博客] [转至博客] [旧帖][给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 3175 次 (54485 bytes)
TJKCB 发表评论于

您的位置: 文学城 ? 论坛 ? 时事述评 ? 应不应该在美国“扫荡”口罩,之后寄回国内?



来源: 汗滴米高 于 2020-01-30 11:25:24 [档案] [博客] [旧帖][给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 136590 次 (8765 bytes)

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本文内容已被 [ 汗滴米高 ] 在 2020-02-03 14:28:22 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

事先说明,这里只是用一个博主的热贴举例说明,没有,绝没有针对这个博主的意思。我在她的位置上,不会比她做的更好。 都是普通人。平常心平常心。我也绝不相信此博主是为了牟利,感觉只是受人之托,忠人之事。

我2月3日,还写了一篇博客,表达我自己的想法: 在美国“扫荡”口罩: 您是否代表中国大陆??


一个在美国居住的资深女博主记录了她的扫荡口罩之旅。 她受国内亲戚朋友之托,自己在美国四处“扫荡”医用口罩,开车4个小时,去了10家超市和药店,最终“扫荡”了17盒,大约300个口罩。之后她立即把这些口罩快递去了中国,次博主写道: “国内朋友不差钱,缺的是口罩。。。。买口罩的钱和寄费给报销。。。”。


我是从中国大陆移民来美国的,中国快速发展的疫情,牵动我的心。 我真心希望中国可以早日打败疫情,早日过上正常的生活。 即便是这样,我也不认为我们应该把美国市场上的口罩“扫荡一空”,邮寄到国内。我的理由如下:


美国平时戴口罩的人不多,市场的存货有限。 市场被“扫荡”之后,危害了本地人的健康。
在美国街上很少看到平时戴医用口罩的人,但偶而也能看到。 他(她)一般有两种: 有病的人,或者体弱的人。
有病的人,或者咳嗽,或者常打喷嚏,担心把细菌传染给周围的人,被周围的人讨厌,就自觉地带上口罩。 体弱的人,容易被别人传染,所以在流感时期带着口罩。 美国人一般开车上下班,人和人在公共场合的接触不多,所以不常看见带口罩的人。 一般药房里都有少量存货,真正买的人都是有病的,或者是体弱的人。

大部分美国人都是精打细算地过日子,就算是病人,平时也不会花钱在家中存有太多的口罩。 如果我们把这些少量的存货给“扫荡”了,有病的人没有了口罩,会到处传染细菌。 体弱的人没有了口罩,就会更容易被传染。 大陆的移民“扫荡”式买断了市场上的口罩,扰乱了本地人正常生活。

在中国香港,由于大陆的食品安全问题和市场不健全,催生了一种新的行业: 水客。 就是一些香港人, 从香港购买大量日常用品,每天多次往返深圳香港两地, 把这些日常用品带到深圳,给专门的人售卖。 从奶粉到酱油,从普通药品到饼干食品,无所不包。 这些水客的生意越来越大,在香港有专业的买手,有专业的带货过关的“骡子”,在深圳有专业的收货的人。
几年前在香港与深圳一河之隔的上水地区,这些水客把上水商店的奶粉抢购一空,本地的年轻妈妈们长时间不能给自己的孩子买到奶粉,怨声载道。 香港政府2013年3月1日实施新的法律,被迫发表声明,限购奶粉数量。 每人一天限携带两罐奶粉。
美国市场上的口罩现在还没有限购, 因为用的人非常少。 随着疫情的发展,我们谁也不敢肯定美国本地人不需要口罩。 今天早晨芝加哥已经发现了疫情的现象,发现了本地人被传染了。 当我们本地社区的人需要口罩时, 发现口罩已经被中国大陆的移民给 ”扫荡“了, 他们会做出什么样的反应? 将心比心,可以想象。

我们这样大陆的移民,能不能代表大陆人的形象? 博主认为她不代表中国大陆的移民, ”你我代表不了华人,也代表不了中国人。我们都是沧海一粟,别把自己看的太高哈”。 我不敢苟同。 我们大陆的移民是否能代表大陆人,我们说了不算, 本地人说了算。
二战前,日本裔的美国人都代表“日本人”, 哪怕是在美国出生的日本人, 都被驱赶到集中营。 他们被迫代表了日本人。 说德语流利的德国后裔,在美国都不敢说自己会德语,怕"被代表“德国。 美国911时候,一个印度裔的锡克教徒,因为包着头发,"被代表"为恐怖分子,在洛杉矶附近自己的小商店被枪杀。 博主可以认为自己虽然是大陆移民,但不代表中国大陆人。 可惜她说了不算。

博主认为,“你那里买不到口罩是你们地方政府的事”,她能扫荡到现货是她的本事。 从她自己的角度,这也许是对的。如果事情发展下去,疫情在美国越来越严重, 地方政府,甚至联邦政府都会限制口罩的供给。 二战时候,美国的火柴和糖都要凭票供应的。

我认为,如果在美国的大陆移民,都和博主一样,到处扫荡口罩, 会引起本地人的反弹,加剧了本地人对中国大陆移民的歧视。 博主认为,被歧视了是你自己的自信心不够。 “希望你增加自信心,别动不动就是歧视。老美要歧视就是歧视这种见了白人特自卑的人。” 我无语了。 按照博主的说法和逻辑,被歧视的人是自己没有信心; 被害人是自找的。 这是本末倒置。 华人在美国历史上饱受歧视, 按照博主的说法,他们都是没有自信心的,要自己找原因。 被别人打了,还有回家照镜子检讨自己? 博主的这种说法太让我惊讶。



口罩不是不能买,也不是不能邮件回中国,但是要有限度,家人需要,可以少量购买邮寄。“扫荡”式的买断市场上的口罩,绝不是值得骄傲的行为。 自重。


?体面退休需要多少钱? 以前一粒米,现在需要三粒米
?我的土鳖女邻居 (投资故事)
?回应博主“一剑飘尘”: 您需要帮助


您的位置: 文学城 ? 论坛 ? 时事述评 ? 应不应该在美国“扫荡”口罩,之后寄回国内?


? 政府可以拿给非洲那600亿来买口罩,算算能买多少? -猴子屯闲人- ♂ 给 猴子屯闲人 发送悄悄话 猴子屯闲人 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(12 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:27:23

? 没必要。 -Weipan- ♀ 给 Weipan 发送悄悄话 Weipan 的博客首页 Weipan 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(7 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:27:51

? 心系亲朋,无可厚非。能买不买才是真孙子! -军事调色板- ♂ 给 军事调色板 发送悄悄话 军事调色板 的个人群组 (106 bytes)(273 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:30:35

? 对,这样就可以省出国内口罩给维稳人员用了 -猴子屯闲人- ♂ 给 猴子屯闲人 发送悄悄话 猴子屯闲人 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(9 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:32:51

? 我十分讨厌吧“维稳“一词挂嘴上的轮子,满天飞火车,根本不是讨论方式, 固有的胡搅, 也许你不是。 -军事调色板- ♂ 给 军事调色板 发送悄悄话 军事调色板 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(13 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:35:00

? 关键现在政府老把“维稳“一词挂嘴上,你可以查查维稳经费多还是救人经费多 -猴子屯闲人- ♂ 给 猴子屯闲人 发送悄悄话 猴子屯闲人 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(5 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:38:11

? 你真墨迹。 -军事调色板- ♂ 给 军事调色板 发送悄悄话 军事调色板 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(2 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:39:05

? 你好像找不到我说的错在哪了 -猴子屯闲人- ♂ 给 猴子屯闲人 发送悄悄话 猴子屯闲人 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(3 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:42:43

? 你是万能贴,你左贴右贴上贴下贴,见到每个帖子都跟一贴,跟一贴! -军事调色板- ♂ 给 军事调色板 发送悄悄话 军事调色板 的个人群组 (1008 bytes)(31 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:44:46

? 别顾左右而言他,直接指出我帖子哪有错误.像我指出你的错误一样 -猴子屯闲人- ♂ 给 猴子屯闲人 发送悄悄话 猴子屯闲人 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(8 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:49:44

? 你先读懂我发过的。。万能贴没错找什么。你都那么自信,玩我呢? -军事调色板- ♂ 给 军事调色板 发送悄悄话 军事调色板 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(8 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:51:02

? 我和你观点对立,你说我没错,那你错了吗 -猴子屯闲人- ♂ 给 猴子屯闲人 发送悄悄话 猴子屯闲人 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(4 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:52:26

? 你最可爱的一点就是坚持认为我同你谈”维稳“,好像要我确认”你是一个人”一样,你对我错,没问题。 -军事调色板- ♂ 给 军事调色板 发送悄悄话 军事调色板 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(16 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:55:49

? 看你说都不会话了,不和你争了. -猴子屯闲人- ♂ 给 猴子屯闲人 发送悄悄话 猴子屯闲人 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(5 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:58:37

? 不错,你终于明白了是你对我错了。 -军事调色板- ♂ 给 军事调色板 发送悄悄话 军事调色板 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(10 reads)01/30/2020 postreply12:04:47

? 几千几万个买,还有代购涨价发国难财的。给亲戚带几盒算reasonable -pucsdt- ♂ 给 pucsdt 发送悄悄话 pucsdt 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(14 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:35:42

? 这种扫荡的做法(比如扫荡奶粉)实在是需要改一改的。若要捐献最好找批发商。不要影响当地人。 -行路有光- ♀ 给 行路有光 发送悄悄话 行路有光 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(14 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:34:37

? +10000 -Mina63- ♀ 给 Mina63 发送悄悄话 Mina63 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(1 reads)01/30/2020 postreply22:11:36

? 马的,劳资今天跑了五个药房一只口罩都没买到,原来被他们抢光了! -Yxuan- ♂ 给 Yxuan 发送悄悄话 Yxuan 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(16 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:35:46

? 美国要是传开来,民众要恐慌了 -pucsdt- ♂ 给 pucsdt 发送悄悄话 pucsdt 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(4 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:37:25

? 全世界的口罩都等中国发货呢,等过完年看看吧,估计够呛, 这次中国自己也不够了。 -军事调色板- ♂ 给 军事调色板 发送悄悄话 军事调色板 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(3 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:38:36

? 知道还废话 -猴子屯闲人- ♂ 给 猴子屯闲人 发送悄悄话 猴子屯闲人 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(2 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:43:29

? 这倒也是。是时候改变结构了。 -Yxuan- ♂ 给 Yxuan 发送悄悄话 Yxuan 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(16 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:43:32

? 打电话找川普,是他要把美国制造喊回来,那就从造口罩开始。 -军事调色板- ♂ 给 军事调色板 发送悄悄话 军事调色板 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(6 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:50:18

? 自由市场,愿买就买,愿买愿卖,无可厚非。 -55开- ♂ 给 55开 发送悄悄话 55开 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(6 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:46:39

? 洋白面买到才叫自由市场,黄香蕉靠后. -军事调色板- ♂ 给 军事调色板 发送悄悄话 军事调色板 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(3 reads)01/30/2020 postreply11:53:10

? 自由市场? 巴黎统筹委员会, 这您是知道的 -汗滴米高- ♂ 给 汗滴米高 发送悄悄话 汗滴米高 的博客首页 汗滴米高 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(1 reads)01/30/2020 postreply12:28:31

? 扫荡,不给人留一线,还自由巿场?呵呵,以后人家歧视你,别嚷嚷,你活该! -cat64- ♀ 给 cat64 发送悄悄话 cat64 的博客首页 cat64 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(5 reads)01/30/2020 postreply17:39:19

? 有理有据最客观的文章,从小事就能看出一个民族的性格,既然移民了就要考虑融入,不能总期望别人无条件的包容你 -Newlady- ♀ 给 Newlady 发送悄悄话 Newlady 的个人群组 (125 bytes)(136 reads)01/30/2020 postreply12:18:31

? +++这个可以有。 -汗滴米高- ♂ 给 汗滴米高 发送悄悄话 汗滴米高 的博客首页 汗滴米高 的个人群组 (177 bytes)(13 reads)01/31/2020 postreply08:32:25

? 她就是一个东北老大妈,包租婆,囤积倒卖,基本属于低端人口的范畴。 -kylerluo- ♂ 给 kylerluo 发送悄悄话 kylerluo 的博客首页 kylerluo 的个人群组 (101 bytes)(162 reads)01/30/2020 postreply12:39:31

? 就是一个东北老大妈,包租婆,囤积倒卖,基本属于低端人口的范畴。 -kylerluo- ♂ 给 kylerluo 发送悄悄话 kylerluo 的博客首页 kylerluo 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(9 reads)01/30/2020 postreply12:40:15

? 就是一个东北老大妈,包租婆,囤积倒卖,基本属于(低)(端)人口的范畴。 -kylerluo- ♂ 给 kylerluo 发送悄悄话 kylerluo 的博客首页 kylerluo 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(12 reads)01/30/2020 postreply12:40:34

? 她自己说自己是北京人。我不知道,但是觉着她一点也不局气。 -汗滴米高- ♂ 给 汗滴米高 发送悄悄话 汗滴米高 的博客首页 汗滴米高 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(17 reads)01/30/2020 postreply12:41:43

? 嗯,她是属于那种八竿子打不着也能攀上亲戚的那种 -kylerluo- ♂ 给 kylerluo 发送悄悄话 kylerluo 的博客首页 kylerluo 的个人群组 (98 bytes)(102 reads)01/30/2020 postreply12:45:06

? 貌似教授夫人,据说在德州A市大学城?恩师导师中医师喊得欢,像泼妇骂得狠删贴,文学城2百万粉的头牌哈哈 -6ba6- ♂ 给 6ba6 发送悄悄话 6ba6 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(14 reads)01/30/2020 postreply18:21:27

? 好多根本没有北京人气质的人,在北京住了几天就摇身一变说自己是北京的 -SwissArmy- ♂ 给 SwissArmy 发送悄悄话 SwissArmy 的博客首页 SwissArmy 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(4 reads)01/30/2020 postreply20:49:38

? 好多冲绳的日本妹,只要在东京混过的,都会说自己是东京人 -SwissArmy- ♂ 给 SwissArmy 发送悄悄话 SwissArmy 的博客首页 SwissArmy 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(2 reads)01/30/2020 postreply20:50:24

? 以中国大陆的生产能力,怎么口罩会不够用,说不通呀。 -飞来寺- ♂ 给 飞来寺 发送悄悄话 飞来寺 的博客首页 飞来寺 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(5 reads)01/30/2020 postreply16:36:48

? 中国口罩产能是每天一千万左右。现在光国内每天就需要上亿只口罩,根本生产不过来 -破冰- ♂ 给 破冰 发送悄悄话 破冰 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(6 reads)01/30/2020 postreply18:29:49

? 严重反对这种貌似利他,实则损人不利己,毁华人形象的举动。如果有人能制止她就好了……不给当地人留一线…都什么人呀 -cat64- ♀ 给 cat64 发送悄悄话 cat64 的博客首页 cat64 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(10 reads)01/30/2020 postreply17:07:34

? 之前她替非移说尽好话,原来是要这些低工资的劳工给她修出租房。 -寻欢留香- ♂ 给 寻欢留香 发送悄悄话 寻欢留香 的博客首页 寻欢留香 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(8 reads)01/30/2020 postreply18:04:00

? 网上已经有视频关于“顺风”快递工作人员偷换口罩,美国寄回去的口罩怎么才能保证能够交到亲人手中? -haoren3- ♂ 给 haoren3 发送悄悄话 haoren3 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(25 reads)01/30/2020 postreply18:34:04

? 很能理解为了国内的亲朋好友买口罩的行为,但是前提是不能影响当地人的生活,无论什么时候都要留余地。扫荡式的购买确实很惹人讨厌。 -菜籽花花黄了- ♀ 给 菜籽花花黄了 发送悄悄话 菜籽花花黄了 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(12 reads)01/30/2020 postreply18:41:20

? 不同意标题的观点! 什么叫扫荡? 她去了10 家超市,买了17 盒口罩 大约300 个就叫扫荡吗? 店家货卖没了可以再去进货吗, -fbl- ♀ 给 fbl 发送悄悄话 fbl 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(8 reads)01/30/2020 postreply18:51:24

? 看清楚, 扫荡是她自己说的:“我们把两个Walgreen的口罩“扫荡”一空” -gfishpond- ♂ 给 gfishpond 发送悄悄话 gfishpond 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(6 reads)01/30/2020 postreply19:08:39

? 她听不进半句不同意见,张嘴就骂人。 如果她扫荡口罩不图私利,为什么不能心平气和!? 心虚,心虚才气急败坏。 -南山悠- ♂ 给 南山悠 发送悄悄话 南山悠 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(7 reads)01/30/2020 postreply20:22:02

? 有钱就是任性。一颗老鼠死坏了一锅粥。强烈谴责这种糟糕的专门利己的华人 -GoBucks!- ♂ 给 GoBucks! 发送悄悄话 GoBucks! 的博客首页 GoBucks! 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(7 reads)01/30/2020 postreply20:26:06

? 当年的排华法案能通过,就是因为当时华人自私自利,从不顾忌他人利益才导致的 -SwissArmy- ♂ 给 SwissArmy 发送悄悄话 SwissArmy 的博客首页 SwissArmy 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(3 reads)01/30/2020 postreply20:45:18

? 西方人自身利益没受到损害时,是可以高高在上当雷锋的。当他自身利益受损时,绝对比东方人狠。如果肺炎在美国没蔓延开来, -刁小山- ♀ 给 刁小山 发送悄悄话 刁小山 的个人群组 (400 bytes)(111 reads)01/30/2020 postreply20:57:30

? NTNND,你们在国内的亲人是人,我们在北美的华人就不是人了? 一旦疫情爆发起来,我们怎么办? -皇爷- ♂ 给 皇爷 发送悄悄话 皇爷 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(10 reads)01/30/2020 postreply20:55:04

? 其实康就是一个二道贩子:“国内朋友不差钱,缺的是口罩,他告诉LD,买口罩的钱和寄费给报销,”“最近口罩销路很好”这些都是她的原话 -Sailor19- ♂ 给 Sailor19 发送悄悄话 Sailor19 的个人群组 (293 bytes)(54 reads)01/30/2020 postreply21:30:44

? Amazon上口罩多得是,买得越多厂商越高兴,怎么会影响本地人的健康 ?! -洛城强爷- ♂ 给 洛城强爷 发送悄悄话 洛城强爷 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(7 reads)01/30/2020 postreply21:31:58

? 谁说有的是,口罩是人做出来的不是风刮出来的,短时间内根本满足不了这么大的需求量,这种扫货其实造成资源上的浪费 -Newlady- ♀ 给 Newlady 发送悄悄话 Newlady 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(5 reads)01/30/2020 postreply21:37:43

? 她自己说的,把店里的口罩都买空了。明明是给朋友代购,却打着人道主义的幌子。 -Mina63- ♀ 给 Mina63 发送悄悄话 Mina63 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(5 reads)01/30/2020 postreply22:17:16

? 这个包租婆一副有钱就任性的嘴脸太让人不齿了,没见过市面,动不动就不差钱 -Newlady- ♀ 给 Newlady 发送悄悄话 Newlady 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(5 reads)01/30/2020 postreply21:32:13

? 加拿大渥太华药店和Home Depot的医用口罩被人买光了!发生传染病怎么办? -兵团农工- ♂ 给 兵团农工 发送悄悄话 兵团农工 的博客首页 兵团农工 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(7 reads)01/30/2020 postreply21:58:37

? 蝗虫过境, 寸草不生。 都是狠人战狼, 自己的生活环境都不顾, 难怪不招人待见。 -童年乐趣- ♂ 给 童年乐趣 发送悄悄话 童年乐趣 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(3 reads)01/30/2020 postreply22:10:36

? 文章有道理,有条理。赞一个。 -海淀网友- ♂ 给 海淀网友 发送悄悄话 海淀网友 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(2 reads)01/30/2020 postreply22:39:19

? 不管不顾扫荡口罩就是缺乏公德,没什么可争论的。 -我爱君羊- ♀ 给 我爱君羊 发送悄悄话 我爱君羊 的博客首页 我爱君羊 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(6 reads)01/30/2020 postreply22:52:03

? 国内口罩急缺度确实大大高过美国。没口罩都出不了门。美国这边店里货架一缺货后面仓库就能补上,后面仓库一库存不足马上就能下单订上, -cdwb- ♀ 给 cdwb 发送悄悄话 cdwb 的个人群组 (290 bytes)(79 reads)01/31/2020 postreply00:17:24

? 我不认同。 您如果买两盒,那不是事儿》》》 -汗滴米高- ♂ 给 汗滴米高 发送悄悄话 汗滴米高 的博客首页 汗滴米高 的个人群组 (473 bytes)(49 reads)01/31/2020 postreply08:15:15

? 买最后一个两个,是自己个人需要,不是扫荡;买300个明显不是自己用,不是为牟利就是人情 -SwissArmy- ♂ 给 SwissArmy 发送悄悄话 SwissArmy 的博客首页 SwissArmy 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(3 reads)01/31/2020 postreply08:40:26

? 居然还有s×问:“象你说的前面人买了299个,不是一次买的,是陆陆续续,只剩下一个,你来了要买那最后一个,你是恶人吗? -SwissArmy- ♂ 给 SwissArmy 发送悄悄话 SwissArmy 的博客首页 SwissArmy 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(3 reads)01/31/2020 postreply08:42:26

? 看看这位网友的亲身经历,连诊所口罩都紧张。落花起作回风舞2020-01-31 16:12:23 -Mina63- ♀ 给 Mina63 发送悄悄话 Mina63 的个人群组 (2458 bytes)(15 reads)02/01/2020 postreply11:13:41

? 杞人忧天,连个轻重缓急都不知道!口罩在国内是迫在眉睫的救命,这边还没有出现风险,供货商再补货就是了。First thing fi -过路人过路- ♂ 给 过路人过路 发送悄悄话 过路人过路 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(6 reads)01/31/2020 postreply04:49:02

? 口罩也治不了病。更防不了病 -gamlastan- ♀ 给 gamlastan 发送悄悄话 gamlastan 的博客首页 gamlastan 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(2 reads)01/31/2020 postreply06:43:45

? 说白了就是一个字,贪! -palmdodo- ♂ 给 palmdodo 发送悄悄话 palmdodo 的博客首页 palmdodo 的个人群组 (652 bytes)(31 reads)01/31/2020 postreply08:44:30

? 扫荡是不耻行为,还要把自己这种丑态描述贴出来,就更令人生厌了 -Calab- ♀ 给 Calab 发送悄悄话 Calab 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(1 reads)01/31/2020 postreply08:54:57

? 很多华人支援国内医院和亲朋都是和供应商或网上联系购买,康赛欧却扫荡了当地的几个商店,掠夺性地买空了这些商家,这样就造成了当地人无 -Mina63- ♀ 给 Mina63 发送悄悄话 Mina63 的个人群组 (131 bytes)(15 reads)02/01/2020 postreply08:59:19

? 打着关爱的旗号、谋私利发国难财的证据,不知道这个算不算旁证?(附图) -SwissArmy- ♂ 给 SwissArmy 发送悄悄话 SwissArmy 的博客首页 SwissArmy 的个人群组 (87 bytes)(10 reads)02/01/2020 postreply09:10:13

? 就是有这样的人的存在 》》》 -汗滴米高- ♂ 给 汗滴米高 发送悄悄话 汗滴米高 的博客首页 汗滴米高 的个人群组 (111 bytes)(15 reads)02/01/2020 postreply09:27:08

? 这个每天一讲真是井里的蛙,这里比他们有钱的多的是,他算老几?嘬手指头的主,loser。 -Mina63- ♀ 给 Mina63 发送悄悄话 Mina63 的个人群组 (0 bytes)(3 reads)02/01/2020 postreply10:05:50

? biglow 又有大作,赶快去支持一下:土匪流氓讲道德 -SwissArmy- ♂ 给 SwissArmy 发送悄悄话 SwissArmy 的博客首页 SwissArmy 的个人群组 (142 bytes)(18 reads)02/02/2020 postreply10:23:03
TJKCB 发表评论于

Chinese doctor who was silenced now has coronavirus

By Yong Xiong and Nectar Gan, CNN

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On December 30, Li Wenliang dropped a bombshell in his medical school alumni group on the popular Chinese messaging app WeChat: seven patients from a local seafood market had been diagnosed with a SARS-like illness and quarantined in his hospital.

Li explained that, according to a test he had seen, the illness was a coronavirus -- a large family of viruses that includes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

Memories of SARS run deep in China, where a pandemic in 2003 killed hundreds following a government cover up. "I only wanted to remind my university classmates to be careful," he said.

Li, a 34-year-old doctor working in Wuhan, the central Chinese city at the epicenter of the deadly coronavirus outbreak, told his friends to warn their loved ones privately. But within hours screenshots of his messages had gone viral -- without his name being blurred. "When I saw them circulating online, I realized that it was out of my control and I would probably be punished," Li said.

He was right.

Soon after he posted the message, Li was accused of rumor-mongering by the Wuhan police. He was one of several medics targeted by police for trying to blow the whistle on the deadly virus in the early weeks of the outbreak. The virus has since claimed at least 425 lives and sickened more than 20,000 people globally -- including Li.

From an intensive care bed in hospital, Li told CNN he was confirmed Saturday to have contracted the virus.

His diagnosis has sparked outrage across China, where a backlash is growing against state censorship around the illness and an initial delay in warning the public about the deadly virus.

Summoned by the police

On the same day in December that Li messaged his friends, an emergency notice was issued by the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, informing the city's medical institutions that a series of patients from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market had an "unknown pneumonia."

The notice came with a warning: "Any organizations or individuals are not allowed to release treatment information to the public without authorization."

In the early hours of December 31, Wuhan's health authorities held an emergency meeting to discuss the outbreak. Afterwards, Li was summoned by officials at his hospital to explain how he knew about the cases, according to state-run newspaper Beijing Youth Daily.

Later that day, the Wuhan authorities announced the outbreak and alerted the World Health Organization. But Li's troubles did not end there.

On January 3, Li was called to a local police station and reprimanded for "spreading rumors online" and "severely disrupting social order" over the message he sent in the chat group.

In that message, Li said the patients had been diagnosed with SARS, citing the test result that showed the pathogen tested positive for the SARS virus with a high "confidence coefficient" -- a measure indicating the accuracy of the test. He clarified in a subsequent message that the virus was actually a different type of coronavirus, but the screenshot of his first message had already spread online.

Li had to sign a statement -- which CNN has seen a photograph of -- acknowledging his "misdemeanor" and promising not to commit further "unlawful acts."

He feared he was going to be detained. "My family would worry sick about me, if I lose my freedom for a few days," he told CNN over a text message on WeChat -- he was coughing too much and breathing too poorly to speak over the phone.

Luckily, Li was allowed to leave the police station after an hour.

The Wuhan police has not responded to CNN's request for comment at the time of publishing. The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission declined to comment.

a person wearing a mask: Wuhan doctor Li Wenliang in an intensive care bed on oxygen support after contracting the coronavirus.

a group of people standing around a bag of luggage: Medical staff wearing protective clothing with a patient at the Wuhan Red Cross Hospital in Wuhan.

a man wearing a suit and tie: Li Wenliang, a doctor in Wuhan, was punished by police for "spreading rumors" over a message warning people against the coronavirus.

a bedroom with a bed and a chair in a room: Wuhan doctor Li Wenliang, who contracted the coronavirus from a patient he treated, in an intensive care ward.

a group of people wearing costumes: Chinese police officers wearing masks stand in front of the Tiananmen Gate on January 26 in Beijing.

a person wearing a mask: Wuhan doctor Li Wenliang in an intensive care bed on oxygen support after contracting the coronavirus.
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1/5 SLIDES ? Li Wenliang

Wuhan doctor Li Wenliang in an intensive care bed on oxygen support after contracting the coronavirus.

The ophthalmologist returned to work at Wuhan Central Hospital feeling helpless. He said: "There was nothing I could do. (Everything) has to adhere to the official line."

On January 10, after unwittingly treating a patient with the Wuhan coronavirus, Li started coughing and developed a fever the next day. He was hospitalized on January 12. In the following days, Li's condition deteriorated so badly that he was admitted to the intensive care unit, and given oxygen support.

On February 1, he tested positive for coronavirus.

Playing down the outbreak

From the start, the Chinese authorities wanted to control information about the outbreak, silencing any voices that differed with their narrative -- regardless of whether they were telling the truth.

On January 1, the Wuhan police announced it had "taken legal measures" against eight people who had recently "published and shared rumors online" about the pneumonia-like illness and "caused adverse impacts on society."

"The internet is not a land beyond the law ... Any unlawful acts of fabricating, spreading rumors and disturbing the social order will be punished by police according to the law, with zero tolerance," said a police statement on Weibo, China's Twitter-like platform.

The police announcement was broadcast across the country on CCTV, China's state broadcaster, making it clear how the Chinese government would treat such "rumormongers."

In the two weeks that followed, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission remained the only source for updates on the developments of the outbreak. Chinese scientists identified the pathogen as a new coronavirus on January 7. For about a week, no new confirmed cases were announced. Health authorities maintained there was "no obvious evidence for human to human transmission," no infection of healthcare workers, and that the outbreak was "preventable and controllable."

On January 31, Li wrote in a post on Weibo how he felt during that period: "I was wondering why (the government's) official notices were still saying there was no human-to-human transmission, and there were no healthcare workers infected."

Then came a sudden jump in infections. Until January 17, the Wuhan authorities had only reported 41 cases of the virus. By January 20, that number had soared to 198.

The central government took over and, on January 20, President Xi Jinping ordered "resolute efforts to curb the spread" of the coronavirus and stressed the need for the timely release of information -- it was the first time Xi had publicly addressed the outbreak.

Later that evening, Zhong Nanshan, a government-appointed respiratory expert, known for fighting SARS 17 years ago, declared on state broadcaster CCTV that the new coronavirus was transmissible from person to person.

Slide 1 of 50: Stewardesses take temperatures of passengers as a preventive measure for the coronavirus on an Air China flight from Melbourne to Beijing before it land at Beijing Capital International Airport in China, Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2020. China said Tuesday the number of infections from a new virus surpassed 20,000 as medical workers and patients arrived at a new hospital and President Xi Jinping said "we have launched a people's war of prevention of the epidemic."

Slide 2 of 50: A TV crew film a cruise ship Diamond Princess anchoring off the Yokohama Port Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2020, in Yokohama, near Tokyo. Japanese health officials are conducting extensive medical checks on all 3,700 passengers and crew of the cruise ship that returned to the country after one passenger tested positive for the new coronavirus.

Slide 3 of 50: Medical workers hold a strike outside the Hospital Authority as they demand for Hong Kong to close its border with China to reduce the coronavirus spreading, in Hong Kong, China February 4, 2020.

Slide 4 of 50: A medical worker wearing protective gear (C) waits to take the temperature of people in an entrance of Princess Margaret Hospital in Hong Kong on February 4, 2020. - Hong Kong on February 4 become the second place outside of the Chinese mainland to report the death of a patient being treated for a new coronavirus that has so far claimed more than 400 lives.

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Slide 5 of 50: This handout photo taken and released by Malaysia's Ministry of Health shows Malaysian nationals being directed onto a bus by health officials in protective suits as they arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang, Malaysia, Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2020, after being evacuated from China's Wuhan, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Slide 6 of 50: A dog wears a paper cup over its mouth on a street in Beijing on February 4, 2020. - The number of total infections in China's coronavirus outbreak has passed 20,400 nationwide with 3,235 new cases confirmed, the National Health Commission said on February 4.

Slide 7 of 50: Workers set up beds at an exhibition centre that was converted into a hospital in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on February 4, 2020. - The Wuhan government said it plans to convert three existing venues, including a gymnasium and an exhibition centre, into hospitals to take in patients with mild symptoms of the new coronavirus that has so far claimed more than 400 lives.

Slide 8 of 50: South Korean young men wear masks to protect against the new coronavirus as they take part in a conscription examination for the national service in Seoul, South Korea, February 3, 2020. REUTERS/Heo Ran

Slide 9 of 50: HANOI, VIETNAM - FEBRUARY 03: People wear face mask while waiting to buy gold from a gold shop on the day of the God of Wealth on February 3, 2020 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Vietnam confirms its 8th case of coronavirus today. The new patient, a Vietnamese blue-collar worker recently returned to Vietnam after having attended a vocational training program in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. As per Vietnamese tradition and custom, the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, which is today (February 3), is the day when the God of Wealth returns to heaven, creating the belief that buying gold then will bring good luck and prosperity throughout the year.

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Slide 10 of 50: Pedestrians wear face masks as they cross a road in Hong Kong on February 3, 2020, as a preventative measure following a virus outbreak which began in the Chinese city of Wuhan. - Hundreds of Hong Kong medical workers walked off their jobs on February 3, demanding the city close its border with China to reduce the coronavirus spreading -- with frontline staff threatening to follow suit in the coming days. (Photo by Anthony WALLACE / AFP) (Photo by

Slide 11 of 50: SUINING, CHINA - FEBRUARY 03 2020: Medical staff pose for photos with a woman patient who has been cured of 2019-nCoV and her husband who has stayed healthy in the 14-day quarantine in a hospital in Suining in southwest China's Sichuan province Monday, Feb. 03, 2020.- PHOTOGRAPH BY Feature China / Barcroft Media (Photo credit should read

Slide 12 of 50: Travellers wearing facemasks arrive from various provinces at the Beijing Railway Station on February 3, 2020. - China said February 3 it urgently needed medical equipment and surgical masks as the death toll from a new coronavirus jumped above 360, making it more deadly than the SARS crisis nearly two decades ago. (Photo by NOEL CELIS / AFP) (Photo by

Slide 13 of 50: MOSCOW, RUSSIA - FEBRUARY 3, 2020: An employee of the Russian Emergency Siatuations Ministry in a medical mask waiting for a Beijing-Moscow train arriving at Yaroslavsky Railway Station. An outbreak of pneumonia-like disease caused by a coronavirus was registered in Wuhan, a port city of 11 mln people, the administrative center of the Hubei province, in the end of December 2019. As of February 3, 2020, over 17 thousand people are infected, the death toll is over 300.

Slide 14 of 50: People wearing protective facemasks visit the Durbar Square in Kathmandu on February 3, 2020. - China said on February 3 it urgently needed medical equipment and surgical masks as the death toll from a new coronavirus jumped above 360, making it more deadly than the SARS crisis nearly two decades ago. The World Health Organization has declared the crisis a global health emergency, and the first foreign death from the virus was confirmed in the Philippines on February 2. (Photo by Jewel SAMAD / AFP) (Photo by

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Slide 15 of 50: MANILA, PHILIPPINES - FEBRUARY 03: Signs indicating that face masks are sold out are seen at a medical supply shop, as public fear over China's Wuhan Coronavirus grows, on February 3, 2020 in Manila, Philippines. The Philippine government has been heavily criticized after failing to immediately implement travel restrictions on China, the source of a deadly coronavirus that has now killed more than 300 people and infected thousands more. On Sunday, the first coronavirus death outside of China was reported in the Philippines. (Photo by

Slide 16 of 50: HONG KONG, CHINA, FEBRUARY 3, 2020: People wearing masks seen in the Mass Transit Railway (MTR). Hong Kong epidemic situation hit economic hard. The Financial Secretary Paul Chan said that Hong Kong may record a budget deficit this financial year.- PHOTOGRAPH BY May James / Echoes WIre/ Barcroft Media (Photo credit should read

Slide 17 of 50: Military personnel go through disinfecting procedures prior to handle Italian citizens repatriated from the coronavirus hot-zone of Wuhan, at the Mario De Bernardi military airport in Pratica di Mare, south of Rome, on February 3, 2020 prior to be placed in quarantine at the nearby Cecchignola center. (Photo by ANSA / AFP) (Photo by

Slide 18 of 50: MANILA, PHILIPPINES - FEBRUARY 03: Chinese nationals, whose flight was cancelled after the Philippine government imposed travel restrictions to and from China amid the outbreak of the Wuhan Coronavirus, wait outside the closed ticketing office of China Eastern Airlines at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport on February 3, 2020 in Manila, Philippines. The Philippine government has been heavily criticized after failing to immediately implement travel restrictions on China, the source of a deadly coronavirus that has now killed more than 300 people and infected thousands more. On Sunday, the first coronavirus death outside of China was reported in the Philippines. (Photo by

Slide 19 of 50: BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 03: A passenger wears a face mask at Airport Tegel on February 03, 2020 in Berlin, Germany. As more cases of coronavirus are being confirmed across the globe fears are rising that the virus is reaching the category of a pandemic. Germany so far has ten confirmed cases of the infection. (Photo by

Slide 20 of 50: In this photo released by the Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Indonesians who arrived from Wuhan, China, are sprayed with antiseptic at Hang Nadim Airport in Batam, Indonesia Sunday, Feb. 2, 2020. Indonesians evacuated from Wuhan, the Chinese city at the center of a deadly virus outbreak, were transported to a quarantine zone on a remote island at the edge of the South China Sea, shortly after landing on Batam, an island near Singapore on Sunday morning. (Indonesian Foreign Ministry via AP)

Slide 21 of 50: People wearing protective masks to prevent the spread of the SARS-like virus put a facemask on a snowman at the Jingshan park after a snowfall in Beijing on February 2, 2020. - A virus similar to the SARS pathogen has killed more than 300 people in China and spread around the world since emerging in a market in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. (Photo by NICOLAS ASFOURI / AFP) (Photo by NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP via Getty Images)

Slide 22 of 50: Staff members wearing protective masks check a passenger at Shanghai railway station in Shanghai, China, as the country is hit by an outbreak of a new coronavirus, February 2, 2020. REUTERS/Aly Song

Slide 23 of 50: Indonesian migrant workers wearing masks practice an instrument called "gendang" at Victoria Park in Hong Kong, Sunday, Feb. 2, 2020. Indonesia flew back more than 200 nationals from Wuhan on Sunday and quarantined them on remote Natuna Islands for two weeks. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim)

Slide 24 of 50: Indian nationals sitting in a bus are transported out of Indira Gandhi International Airport following their evacuation from the Chinese city of Wuhan, in New Delhi, India, February 2, 2020. REUTERS/Anushree Fadnavis

Slide 25 of 50: Portuguese nationals who were in the coronavirus-stricken Chinese city of Wuhan are pictured at Figo Maduro military airbase in Lisbon, Portugal February 2, 2020. Mario Cruz/Pool via REUTERS

Slide 26 of 50: This aerial photo taken on February 2, 2020 shows the Huoshenshan hospital, which means "Fire God Mountain", after handed over to China's army in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province. - China's army on February 2 was given control of a nearly-finished field hospital that will treat patients at the epicentre of a deadly virus epidemic that has severely strained medical facilities. (Photo by STR / AFP) / China OUT (Photo by STR/AFP via Getty Images)

Slide 27 of 50: LOS ANGELES, CA - FEBRUARY 02: Young travelers arrive to LAX Tom Bradley International Terminal wearing medical masks for protection against the coronavirus outbreak on February 2, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. The United States has declared a public health emergency and will implement strict travel restrictions later today. Foreign nationals who have been in China in the last two weeks and are not immediate family members of U.S. citizens or permanent residents will be barred from entering the U.S. Meanwhile, about 195 U.S. citizens who were evacuated from China to March Air Reserve in California are under under quarantine at the base, prohibited from leaving until it is determined that they will not develop symptoms of the disease. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)

Slide 28 of 50: A woman wears a mask as a preventive measure against the coronavirus outbreak, in Bangkok, Thailand February 3, 2020. REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun

Slide 29 of 50: A woman wears a mask to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus as she walks in Chinatown at Bangkok, Thailand February 2, 2020.

Slide 30 of 50: An employee (L) puts a protective face mask on a child at a railway station in Hanoi on February 2, 2020. - The death toll from China's coronavirus epidemic soared to 304 on Feburary 2, as an increasing number of countries imposed extraordinary Chinese travel bans to combat the spread of the disease.

Slide 31 of 50: Medical staff wearing protective suits check Myanmar students who were evacuated on a chartered flight from the Chinese city of Wuhan, at a hospital in Mandalay on February 2, 2020. - The death toll from China's coronavirus epidemic soared to 304 on Feburary 2, as an increasing number of countries imposed extraordinary Chinese travel bans to combat the spread of the disease.

Slide 32 of 50: Mexican students wear protective masks upon their arrival at the Del Bajio International Airport, after the Guanajuato state government arranged the return from China for Mexican students due to the coronavirus outbreak, in Silao, Mexico February 1, 2020.

Slide 33 of 50: A German Air Force plane, carrying evacuated citizens, returns from China's coronavirus-struck Wuhan to Frankfurt, Germany, February 1, 2020.

Slide 34 of 50: Police tape blocks access to a staircase in a hospital in San Sebastian, where the first case of coronavirus in the country has been confirmed, in La Gomera, Spain February 1, 2020.

Slide 35 of 50: A person holds a child as passengers grab their luggages as they disembark a Turkish cargo plane at the Etimesgut military Airport in Ankara on February 1, 2020, after being repatriated from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicentre of the new coronavirus outbreak.

Slide 36 of 50: An Iraqi Health Ministry employee checks passengers' temperature, amid the new coronavirus outbreak, upon their arrival at Basra airport, in Basra, Iraq February 1, 2020. REUTERS/Essam al-Sudani

Slide 37 of 50: A woman wears a protective mask in light of the coronavirus outbreak in China as she walks at the Trocadero esplanade in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, February 1, 2020. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes

Slide 38 of 50: Students and family members of Pakistani students living in the Chinese city of Wuhan, protest demanding their return home, in Islamabad on February 1, 2020. - Chinafaced deepening isolation over its coronavirus epidemic on February 1 as the death toll soared to 259, with the United States and Australia leading a growing list of nations to impose extraordinary Chinese travel bans. (Photo by Farooq NAEEM / AFP) (Photo by FAROOQ NAEEM/AFP via Getty Images)

Slide 39 of 50: ANKARA, TURKEY - FEBRUARY 1: A footage captured from a video shows two passengers holding Turkish flag in Turkish cargo plane carrying 42 passengers from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the deadly coronavirus outbreak, after landing at Etimesgut Military Airport in Ankara, Turkey on February 1, 2020. (Photo by AA Video/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Slide 40 of 50: GUANGZHOU, CHINA - FEBRUARY 1: People are seen out of the shop to buy mask on February 1,2020 in Guangzhou, China. At present, people infected with the new coronavirus are spread all over China. Citizens wear masks to protect against the virus. Currently, masks on the market are in short supply. Many citizens wait in line early. Due to the large number of people, businesses have adopted a policy of purchasing 2 per person. (Photo by Stringer/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Slide 41 of 50: NEW DELHI, INDIA FEBRUARY 1: Crew members and officials of an Indian airline carry their belongings while wearing protective masks as a precaution against a possible coronavirus infection on their return from China, at Indira Gandhi International Airport, on February 1, 2020 in New Delhi, India. The passengers, mostly students, who were evacuated from Wuhan, will be kept in isolation for 14 days at the ITBP centre in Chhawla in the national capital. Chinese authorities did not allow six Indians on board after they reported high temperatures during screening. A screening camp has been set up at the Delhi Airport where they will be screened before they are put under quarantine.(Photo by Amal KS/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)

Slide 42 of 50: Workmen use a jet wash to clean the outside of a block at Arrowe Park Hospital in Merseyside, where British nationals from the coronavirus-hit city of Wuhan in China are being quarantined. (Photo by Danny Lawson/PA Images via Getty Images)

Slide 43 of 50: Family members of one of the Sri Lankan students evacuated from Wuhan province in China and brought to Sri Lanka hold candles during a vigil to pray for people who are suffering from the coronavirus in the world, in Colombo, Sri Lanka February 1, 2020. REUTERS/Dinuka Liyanawatte

Slide 44 of 50: A total of 316 Bangladeshi citizens were brought back from China's Wuhan, the epicenter of the new coronavirus outbreak, on 1st February 2020 and seven of them were sent to Kurmitola General Hospital. Biman Bangladesh Airlines managing director Mokabbir Hossain said 316 Bangladeshis, including three infants, arrived in Dhaka from Wuhan in the morning. (Photo by Sony Ramany/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Slide 45 of 50: Mandatory Credit: Photo by ANGELO CARCONI/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock (10544575n) Tourists wear protective masks in front of the Coliseum in Rome, Italy, 31 January 2020. According to the Italian health authorities, first two cases of the coronavirus infection has been registered in the country. The coronavirus, called 2019-nCoV, originating from Wuhan, China, has spread to all the 31 provinces of China as well as more than a dozen countries in the world. The outbreak of coronavirus has so far claimed 213 lives and infected more than 8,000 others, according to media reports. Cases of Coronavirus in Italy, Rome - 31 Jan 2020

Slide 46 of 50: MANILA, PHILIPPINES - JANUARY 31: Filipinos hoping to buy face masks crowd outside a medical supply shop that was raided by police for allegedly hoarding and overpricing the masks, as public fear over China's Wuhan Coronavirus grows, on January 31, 2020 in Manila, Philippines. The Philippine government has been heavily criticized after failing to immediately implement travel restrictions from China, the source of a deadly coronavirus that has now killed hundreds and infected thousands more. The World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday declared the coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern. (Photo by Ezra Acayan/Getty Images)

Slide 47 of 50: BRIZE NORTON, ENGLAND - JANUARY 31: Coaches transport eighty-three Britons and 27 foreign nationals who have been evacuated from Wuhan following a Coronavirus outbreak, from RAF Brize Norton to Arrowe Park Hospital in Merseyside, where they will be quarantined, on January 31, 2020 in Brize Norton, England. Two people in the same family have been diagnosed with the Coronavirus in the UK, which has killed at least 213 people in China. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)

Slide 48 of 50: SINGAPORE - JANUARY 31: People undergo temperature checks at the entrance during the 'Colours in Harmony', Chingay Parade at the F1 Pit Building on January 31, 2020 in Singapore. Singapore has confirmed 16 cases of the deadly coronavirus as of January 31, which emerged last month in the city of Wuhan in China. (Photo by Suhaimi Abdullah/Getty Images)

Slide 49 of 50: Volunteers in protective suits disinfect a residential compound, as the country is hit by the outbreak of a new coronavirus, in Taizhou, Zhejiang province, China January 30, 2020. Picture taken January 30, 2020. China Daily via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. CHINA OUT. - RC2VQE9QTC2P

Slide 50 of 50: Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam, front, and other government officials wear protective face masks before a press conference in Hong Kong, Friday, Jan. 31, 2020. China has moved to lock down at least three big cities in an unprecedented effort to contain the deadly new virus that has sickened hundreds of people and spread to other parts of the world. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim)

Slide 1 of 50: Stewardesses take temperatures of passengers as a preventive measure for the coronavirus on an Air China flight from Melbourne to Beijing before it land at Beijing Capital International Airport in China, Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2020. China said Tuesday the number of infections from a new virus surpassed 20,000 as medical workers and patients arrived at a new hospital and President Xi Jinping said "we have launched a people's war of prevention of the epidemic."
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China has confirmed human-to-human transmission of a new SARS-like coronavirus linked to the Wuhan pneumonia outbreak. With the number of cases soaring and spreading to countries beyond China, the World Health Organization has declared an international public health emergency.

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Three days later, authorities placed an unprecedented lockdown on Wuhan, the economic engine and transportation hub of China's central heartland -- but five million people had already left the city for the Lunar New Year holiday.

Now, the virus has spread to every region in the country, including the far western frontier of Xinjiang and the remote region of Tibet.

In an interview with CCTV on January 27, Wuhan mayor Zhou Xianwang admitted his government did not disclose information on the coronavirus "in a timely fashion."

He explained that under Chinese law on infectious diseases, the local government first needs to report the outbreak to national health authorities, and then get approval from the State Council before making an announcement.

"For the late disclosure, I hope everyone can understand that this is an infectious disease, and relevant information has special channels to be disclosed in accordance with law," he said.

Public uproar

By late January, the Wuhan government's mishandling of the outbreak was becoming well-understood in China. Many online thought of the group of eight "rumormongers," saying their early warnings could have saved hundreds of lives.

Calls for the eight to be vindicated grew -- even in state media. Xi's call for the timely release of information was seen as a green light to report on the coronavirus and Chinese journalists began producing in-depth coverage and hard-hitting investigative reports. The state-run newspaper Beijing Youth Daily interviewed Li and the article went viral. The piece was censored within hours, but the uproar remained.

As public anger mounted, China's Supreme Court on January 28 criticized the Wuhan police for punishing the "rumormongers."

"It might have been a fortunate thing for containing the new coronavirus, if the public had listened to this 'rumor' at the time, and adopted measures such as wearing masks, strict disinfection and avoiding going to the wildlife market," the Supreme Court commentary said.

Bowing to pressure, the Wuhan police issued a statement the next day, saying the eight people had only committed "particularly minor" misdemeanors for spreading "unverified information." It said they had only been summoned for a talk and not detained or fined.

On Saturday, another "rumormonger" came forward with her story in the Chinese press.

Xie Linka, an oncologist at Wuhan Union Hospital, told Chinese media she received a warning from police after sending an alert to her colleagues in a WeChat group on the evening of December 30.

In the message, Xie relayed a warning from fellow doctors about an infectious disease: "Don't go to Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in the near future. Several people were found to have contracted an unknown pneumonia similar to SARS there. Today our hospital has received multiple patients from the market. Everyone please remember to wear masks and ventilate properly."

Now recovering in a quarantine ward, Li said he was not sure if he was one of the eight "rumormongers." But he felt relieved after reading the Supreme Court commentary, taking it as a sign that the central government is against giving him a harsh punishment.

On Li's Weibo, tens of thousands have left comments thanking him for speaking out and wishing him a speedy discovery.

"Dr Li, you're a good doctor with conscience. I hope you stay safe and sound," read one of the top-rated comments.

Others have questioned what could have been if Li's warning had been heeded.

"If Wuhan had paid attention to [his warning] back then and taken active preventive measures," wrote another Weibo user, "where we stand now a month later could be a completely different picture."






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