在美国,控制老鼠泛滥,城市常常派出猫军,昨天国会刚刚通过一个法律,拨款杀鼠:US House passes bill to help eradicate invasive swamp rodent,大概是同仇敌忾了。据《国家地理》(Homeless Cats Recruited to Fight Rising Tide of Rats),有时群众反映还真管用:“We used to use a lot of traps and poisons, and it never worked,” says employee K.C. Pierce. “With the cat it’s 100 percent. I haven’t seen a rat since we got the cat.”
可是对新一代的猫主来说,老鼠是吃不得的,而且猫也不会吃,据貓真的吃老鼠嗎?為什麼現在的貓看到老鼠一點反應都沒有说,现在生活条件好了,不吃老鼠了, 猫真的喜欢吃老鼠吗? “没错,事实的真相就是——猫并不是喜欢吃老鼠!”
首先此老鼠非彼老鼠: Rat与Mouse的区别及其重要性,rat是大老鼠,mouse是小老鼠,可不是同一种东西,通常我们需要猫抓老鼠,是指大老鼠。

《专家论坛Project Syndicate》COVID-19 by the Numbers
the economic and political impact of this pandemic will ultimately be determined by the numbers. Fortunately, in this case, the relevant ones are developing in a much less alarming way than panicked media headlines might suggest
COVID-19 will end up having a negligible effect on health and mortality globally, except in China’s Hubei province
the evidence thus far is far from apocalyptic. China’s success in stabilizing the rate of contagion in 4-6 weeks seems to be mirrored in three of the four other Asian countries with a sufficient number of cases and epidemic duration to start drawing meaningful conclusions: Singapore, Japan, and Hong Kong(默认中国的管制措施的有效性。然而专家一般忽视地区的区别,社会体制的区别,我觉得成功的内在因素还是东亚文化,参见:大家对四小龙崛起都理解错了)
