My Brilliant Friend 看不下去

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去年我的least favorite booklist之一就是 my brilliant friend by Elena Ferrante.   This book is about two best friends growing up in a poor neighborhood in Naples, Italy. 本来很期待这部书的火花,可实际上读得相当咬牙。当时在book club我写的有点毒:Her writing is incredibly choppy, extremely tedious, repetitive — the same responses from parents and the competitiveness between the girls in different school stages — it just goes on and on and doesn’t seem to go anywhere!  And the impoverishment and violence of the neighborhood are totally disturbing... even amongst kids!!  The characters are unlikable, love starved, too flawed and too hard on themselves and on others... their lives are defined by deprivation, grittiness, and brutality.  

这本书改编的hbo series好评,因为老公买了hbo, 这两天我看了五集。拍的真的好,灰色调,忠于原著,immersive... 但我还是看不下去,那么joyless, 就算短暂的快乐里仍旧逃不开嫉妒、纷争、阴暗、残酷。。。 今天看到第五集,我决定弃剧。 实在太多负能量,也不能理解Lenu好容易脱离那个吃人的社区,为何仍旧对来自童年的渣男obsessed甚至抛夫弃子? 然后整个社区女生都在抢老公,抢男朋友,抢水果男,抢肉店老板,狗血啊! 男主角那个渣男还长得一点都不帅! 苍天呐! 都上大学都成了名作家还是来来去去的就那么个小圈子,逃脱不了重组回炉的那些个人互别苗头和狗血分合。 如今外面的世界正经历着纷扰焦虑,我还是去看欢喜正面的剧集吧。

意大利是我最喜欢的国家,每次去都很喜欢,特别是dolomites,未来还会回去。 然而Naples是我们最不喜欢的地方,满地的垃圾在风尘中打滚。


