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世卫的头头一直跟中国政府很配合,言辞也很含蓄,见不到批评的,西方政府媒体一直不信,觉得世卫是帮凶。中国政府隐瞒事实,置民生于党尊之下(参见:不是武汉政府犯了罪,就是习近平犯了罪),确实是这么一回事,连“坚决打赢抗击疫情阻击战 推动构建人类命运共同体”(《求是》)都要增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,世卫到底能做什么?
大家也许忘了,世卫作为一个官方机构一般极少批评其他政府,实在不得已,也是拐弯抹角的,这点美国政府其实最了解。世卫的艾尔沃德(Bruce Aylward)作为一个专家,也有自己的位置,就是防疫控疫,所以他说的与中国政府想的与重合,是必然的,自然会被中国政府利用,见此文:布鲁斯·艾尔沃德:每个人都跟我说不能学中国,我就反问一个问题(原文《留声机VOX》:China’s cases of Covid-19 are finally declining. A WHO expert explains why,参见《纽时》的采访:China’s Battle Against Coronavirus: 7 Takeaways)。
最新的“诡异”,是世卫官网对中药的态度竟然中外有别,确实是有公开欺蒙(国内)百姓的味道。我给大家提提另一个看法,是加拿大人张彦( Ian Johnson,我在中国人为什么不恨自己的政府?一文里引用过他,他对中国和中国文化有感情,但不会买中国政府的账)说的。
I think the explanation may be in differing understandings of what is "traditional" medicine. In China, almost uniquely, it's a state-regulated system that is integrated in mainstream biomedicine. Arguably it can be used safely in these settings.
But of course on Twitter it becomes a totally predictable story about the CCP lying, international organizations like the WHO being spineless and so on. It's a perfect, meaningless, echo-chamber Twitter-storm where no one tries to find out why, but has their biases confirmed.
The main point of these five-minute online exposes is to confirm biases, appear smart and knowing, have a quick high of moral indignation, and move on to the next Ah Q spiritual victory. Actually reporting out a story is too complicated and might lead to...ambiguity.