正能量从低到高的一天--Online 瑜伽

“如果你可以呼吸,你(就)可以练习瑜伽”--记不清哪里听到的。Namaste(May the divine in me salute the divine in you.)
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03/27/2020, 周五

早上起来感觉身体很累,想想索性不要难为自己,所以就决定练习个P.M.的瑜伽,因为会很安静,不用太多的体力和精力,放松和 Let it go。

估计是担忧很重,所以very low energy。做了一些花园的呵护,感觉好多了。于是开始打扫洗手间,可能因为是个体力活,做完心情豁然开朗。全当成是锻炼身体。

今天有朋友加我入online瑜伽的群,非常感激。晚上8-9, 老师是义务的,非常nice,一起练习的姐妹们也非常好。



Namaste :)

(Show up; No need to hide; You are fine just as you are now..... Not a hero, no shame, just a human being. That is okey and that is enough. I am fine now. We are fine now. "Though everything is a mess, all is all.")
