
今天收到一个麻州房东组织的邮件,号召房东们反对MA在讨论的Bill HD.4935:

Two representatives who have at best a rudimentary understanding of housing have drafted legislation that would jail landlords for formally telling renters that we all have an obligation to pay our bills if we can during this crisis. HD.4935 right here in MA is the only legislation I have seen or heard of across the country imposing individual criminal penalties for our shared economic collapse.

粗略看了下Bill,不准开始驱逐流程,否则罚款5000和/或坐牢6个月:A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of $5,000 or 6 months imprisonment in a county jail, or by both.



给老实房客发了封信:We are in the same boat,不过city没通知说可以晚交地产税,超市没说可以买食品不付钱。。。希望你尽量按时交房租。房客回信:Don't worry, rent will be paid.


Bill: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/191/HD4935

房东组织的反对信:Ten Reasons Why HD.4935 Eviction Moratorium Should Not Pass As Written

