2. 阁老真正的legacy,就是制造了房市泡沫。01年股市崩盘以后,过度的流动性就在房市爆发。结果当然是原子弹爆炸,爆炸的方式跟以往不同,有太多技术上的玄妙,放下不讲。但基本结果,是一个只有3千亿美元大小的次贷市场,炸掉了美国所有银行的资本金,导致了几万亿的实际损失,和历史上最萎靡不振的“复苏”。格林斯潘走下神坛,虽然“经济学家”们拒不认错,但此人从此再也不是耶稣再世是确认了。而这个2009-2016年“复苏”的特点,就是乏善可陈的增长、就业,和与之对应的好得你不敢相信的股市。这当然又得拜联储掌门人伯南克所赐。这个人据吹是“大萧条”专家。美国运气咋就这么好,一来大萧条,就有“大萧条专家”掌门。他的武功秘籍,也就是一条:印钞票。所以,结果还是一样:病态的经济+风光无限的资产泡沫。不过,给他一些credit,虽然QE Infinity这种讽刺是对他业绩最好的描述,他确实说过好多次:Monetary policy has run its course, it's time for fiscal policy to step in.
Keep our investment in US asset (house, stocks, and bond), when the inflation in US goes through the roof (unlikely, with all countries trying to sell things cheap here), you can go to another country (say, China or Costa Rica), still live like a king after you convert US $ into local currency.
pssci 发表评论于
说说有啥高招 ?
MoatCity 发表评论于
When I landed in the US 35 years ago, my American buddy told me that "we don't need to make anything, all we would need to do is to print US dollars". I was incredulous, and that is when US was buying most of their stuff from Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan). With little understanding of US capital system, I wondered, how could they do this. It has been 35 years, and they seem to be doing the same thing, and now the countries that compete to sell stuff to US have grown to include China, Vietnam, India, Mexico, etc, etc. They would continue to do this, as long as US Dollar is the world's reserve currency, as long as the world uses US$$ to conduct commercial transactions. ON top of that, US is using this as a political tool, they can pretty much impose sanction on any country they don't like (Cuba, South Korea, Cuba, etc).
Each financial crisis they created, they would destroy all assets and print tons of more money, skimming profit all over the world. There have been 3 or 4 major financial crashes since I came, each time, US appears to become ever so much stronger.
This is definitely the God's favorite country, God created the mighty US dollar to allow them to rule the world. With all the smart people in the rest of the world, you would think all other countries would see the truth in this, would figure out a way to counter the dominance of US Dollar, they are all so willingly obedient to be ruled to the US.
Don't see this world structure change in our lifetime, and we should continue to bet on holding US assets (housing, stocks), so to take full advantage of the strong dollar when we retire.