六成感染者无症状?专家:砸锅卖铁也应对隐性感染者做调查...interviews with local medics and disease specialists reveal that the situation in Hubei’s capital Wuhan could be worse than the official figures make out, suggesting any declaration by Beijing of victory against the pandemic would be premature
《全国广播电台(NPR)》Mystery In Wuhan: Recovered Coronavirus Patients Test Negative ... Then Positive【注】按中国政府政策,无症状不作为确诊记录
Virus may have jumped from animal to humans long before the first detection in Wuhan, according to research by an international team of scientists
Findings significantly reduce the possibility of the virus having a laboratory origin, director of the US National Institute of Health says
Genomic Study Points to Natural Origin of COVID-19(Posted on March 26th, 2020 by Dr. Francis Collins)
Pandemic specialists long languished in an obscure corner of the U.S. foreign policy establishment. No longer
Rising to the China ChallengeRenewing American Competitiveness in the Indo-Pacific
(Mira Rapp-Hooper)China, America, and the International Order after the Pandemic
《大西洋月刊》Trump’s Break With China Has Deadly Consequences
Trump’s protectionism creates perverse incentives for Chinese medical suppliers to now make American customers their last choice
《大西洋月刊》(Vann R. Newkirk II)The Coronavirus’s Unique Threat to the South
《大西洋月刊》(Derek Thompson)A playbook that should govern America’s short-term reaction to the health crisis

right-leaning states have been noticeably slower at rolling out social-distancing measures

The president’s attempt to racialize the pandemic is a cover-up of the fact that he trusted false reassurances from Beijing
《大西洋月刊》The Economy Is Collapsing. So Are Trump’s Reelection ChancesThis year’s projected headline numbers look dire for the president.
This is what the website for the federal stockpile said yesterday vs what it says today, after Kushner was caught lying about how states aren’t supposed to be using it. It was changed to say, “Many states have products stockpiled, as well.” https://t.co/kbNXiwaJbX pic.twitter.com/xAtPKIyHnA— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) April 3, 2020
Trump’s son-in-law has no business running the coronavirus response
(原标题:Jared Kushner's going to get us all killed)(Rebecca L. Spang, Professor of history at Indiana University) The Revolution Is Under Way Already
Far from making Americans crave stability, the pandemic underscores how everything is up for grabs
(Shadi Hamid, Brookings Institution senior fellow) The Coronavirus Killed the Revolution
Sanders, Warren, and others wanted to remake American politics, but the pandemic radically scaled back what’s possible.
“One way we still win this election is by turning it into a referendum on China,” said one Trump campaign adviser, speaking on the condition of anonymity
《彭博》China Leans On Companies to Keep Employees Even If They’re Not Working
《外交事务》Can Europe and the U.S. Follow China’s Lead on Economic Recovery?
Over 85% expect to run out of cash within three months
(Rhodium Group)Chinese Credit Stimulus: Yesterday’s Solution, Not Today’s
A reported ban on sales to Huawei of chips made with American equipment might intensify China's drive to develop its own chip industry
(Mary Lovely, a professor of economics at Syracuse University)What Trump can do now to rescue America's factories and farms
(Richard N. Haass, 美国外交界元老)At War With a Virus
While war should normally be a policy of last resort, not confronting a determined enemy that poses an imminent threat can be deadly. Putting off the decision to go on the offensive against COVID-19 – treating a war of necessity as a war of choice – has proved extraordinarily costly in terms of lives lost and economic destruction
(Bilahari Kausikan,海峡时报)Reports of the death of liberal international order are exaggerated

不过美国的行动远远比中国强烈的多,中国只是搞“口罩外交”(美国人俗称Mask Diplomacy),但那已经让美国人担心了,因为对比于自己政府的无能,中国毕竟是积公德,所以大家担心疫情过后中国会取代美国成为世界领袖。
同样,因为中国有体制和制度上的问题,并不能说明西方,尤其是美国没有自己的问题,民主和资本主义真的兼容吗?美国民主如此进步,但国家是人民掌握,还是被资本控制(Pork Chops vs. People: Battling Coronavirus in an Iowa Meat Plant:As health officials “lobbied Tyson to close the plant, worried about a coronavirus outbreak..Tyson was ‘less than cooperative.’” Then 1,031 Tyson workers got coronavirus, while “executives lobbied the White House to help protect Tyson from lawsuits.”)?高度的法制和人权,并不能根除种族歧视,而且这种歧视看上去是人性,超越了普世价值的约束,否则怎么会有黑人在街上跑步锻炼,白人能从背后将其击毙(After a Killing, ‘Running While Black’ Stirs Even More Anxiety)?这不也就是说,美国种族歧视是结构性的,而不是一时失误吗?美国国安委副主任博明( Matthew Pottinger )用中文向中国人讲人权,讲民主,还说他的总统是代表民意,可淳朴(美国总统Donald Trump,人称特朗普或川普)是砸烂美国民主机制的霸王,淳朴对媒体、法制的无视、践踏,就是无视人权、民主,所以博明根本没有说服力。他说中国应当少些(共产党式的)爱国,多点民众主义(populism,现在一般译成民粹),美国的民粹成了什么样子,还要他辩护?也许只有他自己才可能摆平。而且他是美国政府内部“武汉病毒”攻击政策的倡导者,不可能让中国人服,我倒不是暗示他说的基本没道理,大道理是有的,而是说他讲的大多是空话,世界上没有什么国家能做到,美国是比中国好多了,但也做不到,近几十年来更有背离的倾向。
美国医疗体制被冠疫击溃,政府的无能,斥诸于幻想、政治上排挤打击,在全世界前成为赤裸裸现实,这跟中国早期的隐瞒一样,没有显示那个体制的优越性,美国精英一直有一种“暂时性”的幻觉,美国体制的缺陷是暂时的,淳朴当选是暂时的,据《华尔街日报》报道(Lack of Savings Worsens the Pain of Coronavirus Downturn),六成人现在应急时拿不出钱,这是暂时的吗?美国对社会底层那真狠,一线人员(essential)不仅没待遇,没保障,连测试都奇缺,把他们说成英雄,就是让他们当烈士,这是暂时的吗?