前几日,川普总统发表了把消毒剂注射到身体里和把光或紫外线弄到身体里的猜想后,引起了共和党高官们的恐慌。在重压之下,川普总统不得不放弃历时一个多月,常常耗时2个多小时,几乎每次都混乱不堪的白宫新冠记者会。有很多媒体的报道,引用纽约时报上的一篇文章<紧张的共和党人看着川普的下沉并把参议院也带着跟他一起往下沉> <Nervous Republicans See Trump Sinking, and Taking Senate With Him>. 作者: Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman.
离选举还有六个月,但新一轮大量不详的民意调查和总统在记者会上不可捉摸的表现让共和党担心民主党会拿回白宫。(The election is still six months away, but a rash of ominous new polls and the president’s erratic briefings have the G.O.P. worried about a Democratic takeover.)
华盛顿 - 川普总统对新冠爆发采取的飘忽不定处理方式,恶化的经济以及涌现出的不详的公家和私营的民意调查结果让共和党人越来越紧张,他们有失去总统位子和参议院的风险,如果川普先生不把国家放在根本改变的轨道上。(WASHINGTON — President Trump’s erratic handling of the coronavirus outbreak, the worsening economy and a cascade of ominous public and private polling have Republicans increasingly nervous that they are at risk of losing the presidency and the Senate if Mr. Trump does not put the nation on a radically improved course.)
共和党人相信他每天召开的新冠爆发新闻发布会正在对他的政治地位造成重大的损害。他最近发表的关于用太阳光和消毒剂来对付病菌的言论对于很多党内的高官是一个转折点。(His daily news briefings on the coronavirus outbreak are inflicting grave damage on his political standing, Republicans believe, and his recent remarks about combating the virus with sunlight and disinfectant were a breaking point for a number of senior party officials.
俄克拉河马州众议员Tom Cole说总统需要改变说话的口气,提供不只是发怨气的运动。(Representative Tom Cole, Republican of Oklahoma, said the president had to change his tone and offer more than a campaign of grievance.)
Cole先生说:"你应该有一些希望能销售给大家,但川普通常销售的是愤怒,分裂,并且'我们'是受害者." (“You got to have some hope to sell people,” Mr. Cole said. “But Trump usually sells anger, division and ‘we’re the victim.")
况且,最近一波的民调随着拜登先生几乎在每个可竞争的州的领先,更加重了共和党的焦虑。(Still, a recent wave of polling has fueled Republican anxieties, as Mr. Biden leads in virtually every competitive state.)
民调还显示亚利桑那州,科罗拉多州,北卡和缅因州的参议员们与潜在的民主党对手相比处在落后或者是焦灼状态。部分是因为他们的命运是和川普先生的工作表现联系在一起的。如果这些州的现任者落选,而共和党只拿下阿拉巴马州,民主党将会控制议院,如果拜登先生赢得总统大选。(The surveys also showed Republican senators in Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina and Maine trailing or locked in a dead heat with potential Democratic rivals — in part because their fate is linked to Mr. Trump’s job performance. If incumbents in those states lose, and Republicans pick up only the Senate seat in Alabama, Democrats would take control of the chamber should Mr. Biden win the presidency.)
就在上周他削弱了他的竞选团队和盟友对拜登先生在中国问题上的攻击; 突然又提出对移民政策叫停; 还说州长不应该重开经济太快 -- 一周后,他又号召示威者去'解放'他们的州。并且这些都是发生在他跑题讲消毒剂潜在治疗功效之前。(In just the last week, he has undercut the efforts of his campaign and his allies to attack Mr. Biden on China; suddenly proposed a halt on immigration; and said governors should not move too soon to reopen their economies — a week after calling on protesters to “liberate” their states. And that was all before his digression into the potential healing powers of disinfectants.)
All the news have to knee down to the final result of the end of coming Nov.
有个视频爆料,4月20日疫情发布会前,调试播音设备的人员无意中说了一句,这里的人反正都已经打过疫苗了。这个疫苗是否是指新冠疫苗?川普是否已经注射,何时注射? 什么人注射过了? 这都是主流媒体感兴趣的话题。川普怎么答都是灾难。只好高挂免战牌。等着瞧,躲得过初一,躲不一十五。他选择不参加是间接支持视频信息的真实性。死去的川普支持者会从坟墓里跳出来吗?