最简单Chocolate Mousse

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时不时会想吃巧克力的甜食,比如chocolate mousse. 可是吧,对正宗配料里的生蛋白实在不敢喜欢 - 觉得不卫生。在馋虫和卫生的双重考量下,功夫不负嘴馋人,我找到了一款最简易,只需要两种原料的chocolate mousse配方。

原link在这里,非常详细,我反正没做失败过。你要是连我都不如...... 那也值得试试。你想,巧克力和奶油,能失败到哪里去呢?

我用的Trader Joe's的比利时进口Pound Plus 72% cacao dark chocolate. 低于60%恐怕味道没那么纯正了。Semi sweet chocolate chips 也行啊,原配方里说要高品质巧克力。




-配方说4个serves, 我其实分了6份,放在小小杯子里。点到为止,嘴馋也不能多吃。可以多garnish些水果什么的。

-Garnish 用的grated chocolate,就用擦丝的工具擦一小块巧克力,别擦到手。擦好存在冰箱里,不然容易化。

-我发现garnish 些糖渍过的草莓特别好吃。草莓+巧克力=绝配

拍这张照片时没有草莓 呵呵


Easy Chocolate Mousse


PREP TIME:15 minutes



  • 1 1/2 cups cold heavy cream, divided
  • cup good-quality chocolate chips or coarsely chopped chocolate (6 ounces)
  • Garnish options: grated chocolate or crunchy toppings, such as chopped nuts, toffee, or brittle


  • Chef's knife and cutting board
  • Large and medium mixing bowls
  • Large spatula
  • serving dishes or ramekins


  1. Warm 1/2 cup cream and use it to melt the chocolate. Heat 1/2 cup of the cream in a microwave-safe bowl for 1 minute. Add 1 cup chocolate chips and stir to combine. Set the bowl aside for 5 minutes for the chocolate to melt.

  2. Whisk the chocolate and cream together. Whisk the chocolate and cream together until smooth. Set aside to cool while you whip the remaining cream.

  3. Beat the remaining cream to medium peaks. Place the remaining 1 cup cold cream in a medium bowl. Beat with an electric hand mixer or with a whisk by hand until soft peaks form. Transfer 1/2 cup this soft whipped cream to a small bowl and refrigerate for topping the finished mousse before serving. Continue whipping the remaining whipped cream until stiff peaks form.

  4. Fold the whipped cream into the chocolate in three additions. Fold the whipped cream into the cooled chocolate mixture with a large spatula in three additions. Work swiftly and gently and don’t stress if there are streaks of cream in the chocolate mousse.

  5. Portion the mousse and chill before serving. Divide the mixture between 4 ramekins or cocktail glasses. Refrigerate at least 1 hour and up to 4 before serving. Dollop with the reserved softly whipped cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate or chopped hazelnuts, if desired.
