《纽时》(430,000 People Have Traveled From China to U.S. Since Coronavirus Surfaced)说的,大概是对的,可是纽约被感染的,基本来自欧洲(《纽时》Most New York Coronavirus Cases Came From Europe, Genomes Show),不是中国(中央政府)没责任,不是美国(中央政府)没责任,而是那43万中美联手管得挺好,美国政府看上去杂乱无章,其实是心里有数,漏网的肯定有,但43万绝大部分都是清白的(就像我从广州回来一样)。
For many days after the first positive test, as the coronavirus silently spread throughout the New York region, Mr. Cuomo, Mr. de Blasio and their top aides projected an unswerving confidence that the outbreak would be readily contained
The governor and the mayor emphasized that they had no misgivings about their initial handling of their response. They said that their efforts spurred the Trump administration to act more decisively to curb the outbreak
“Everybody is doing exactly what we need to do,” said Mr. Cuomo, seated with Mr. de Blasio, at a news conference on March 2. “We have been ahead of this from Day 1.”领导这么说,基层从不知所措到措手不及、惊慌失措,各种无能马上就暴露出来:New York officials to stem the outbreak were hampered by their own confused guidance, unheeded warnings, delayed decisions and political infighting。
A week later, on March 1, she tested positive for the coronavirus, the first confirmed case in New York City of an outbreak that had already devastated China and parts ofEurope. The next day, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, appearing with Mayor Bill de Blasio at a news conference, promised that health investigators would track down every person onthe woman’s flight. But no one did
For many days after the first positive test, as the coronavirus silently spread throughout the New York region, Mr. Cuomo, Mr. de Blasio and their top aides projected an unswerving confidence that the outbreak would be readily contained.
“Excuse our arrogance as New Yorkers — I speak for the mayor also on this one — we think we have the best health care system on the planet right here in New York,” Mr. Cuomo said on March 2. “So, when you’re saying, what happened in other countries versus what happened here, we don’t even think it’s going to be as bad as it was in other countries.”

“We now have enough data to feel pretty confident that New York was the primary gateway for the rest of the country,” said Nathan Grubaugh, an epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health
需要强调的,这不是说纽约是唯一的源头,而是说是个主要的源头,封纽约不会根绝冠毒,但危害会大大减少(上文),“Travel from other American cities also sparked infections across the country, including from an early outbreak centered in the Seattle area that seeded infections in more than a dozen states”。
Dr. Frieden said that if the state and city had adopted widespread social-distancing measures a week or two earlier, including closing schools, stores and restaurants, then the estimated death toll from the outbreak might have been reduced by 50 to 80 percent

The research indicates that a wave of infections swept from New York City through much of the country before the city began setting social distancing limits to stop the growth
“It means that we missed the boat early on, and the vast majority in this country is coming from domestic spread,” said Kristian Andersen, a professor in the department of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research. “I keep hearing that it’s somebody else’s fault. That’s not true. It’s not somebody else’s fault, it’s our own fault.”
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, criticized federal authorities, describing an “enormous failure by the federal government to leave New York and the East Coast exposed to flights from Europe, while at the same time instilling a false sense of security by telling the State of New York that we had no Covid cases throughout the entire month of February.”
中文媒体以为找到机会了:纽约市长(白思豪,Bill de Blasio) 批特朗普把党派偏见置于国家需要之上:他纯粹是个伪君子 ,其实白思豪今天已经臭名昭著了。