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五月的第二天,迎接我的是落在后院里的那束阳光。昨天气象台播报这个周的气温将达到77F, 想必是初夏时节的感觉。














THR 2ND day of May started from the first glance of bright sunshine pouring on my back yard. From the weather forecast I heard yesterday, I knew this weekend's temperature will bring people a mild summer-like feeling.


After having a simple breakfast with an English muffin with egg and cheese, a glass of milk, I began reviewing the vocabularies I learned yesterday by reading a novel and an online article. I scribbled them on slices of paper I cut from A4. I don’t know why, it make me feel better than writing on a whole of A4 paper. I learn everywhere, novel, business and  political articles, TV news, and also from reading the articals in Nuandong’s blog.  Everything when you grow them into a hobby, it turns to a fun thing instead of a burden. I feel this myself, but from a book or from anyone else.  


The maple tree in front of my house is in full blossom. The tree has been in my eyes for years, but I don’t know it’s a maple tree with flowers in spring till this spring. It sounds  unbelievable, but I found I am not the only one who neglected this, my neighbor, a couple in their 60s are same. It’s me telling them this is a maple tree and those are its flowers, not leave.  Both of them were gasped, “we will watch, we will see” the wife said with skeptical eyes.  


People  here can’t resist the temptation from warm sunshine  .  I realized this the first year I got here. Today,  at 9:00am, tens of cars have almost fully occupied the two small parking lots. The park with green-blanket-like grass is scattered with walking people,dogs, kite-flying kids.  

魏薇 发表评论于
回复 '暖冬cool夏' 的评论 : Thank you for your encourgement 暖冬 ! I filled up the blank with "temptation" you taught me.:) I will keep doing as a hobby. Hobbies can help people go through this crisis more easily.
暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
I left a comment yesterday. Maybe I did not post successfully.
Nice try in writing bilingual journals. I can tell you put a lot of efforts, and are making progress. Just keep reading and practicing!