
前些天上了一门网课,Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace,学到了一些有启发的内容。因为不是公共免费课,只能分享一些网上也能查到的内容。

首先老师让大家做了一个实验。课上有将近300名学生,老师让大家写下来你最好的老板或者mentor的 5到7 个characteristics (特性)。 然后在每个characteristic后面写上 IQ (Smarts), TK (Technical Knowledge),或者 SS (Soft Skills)。


1. 你在几个characteristic后面标了IQ: 0, 1-2, 还是3 or more?66% 的学生回答的是1-2。 

2. 你在几个characteristic后面标了TK: 0, 1-2, 3 or more? 61% 的学生回答的是1-2。

3. 你在几个characteristic后面标了SS: 0, 1-2, 3 or more? 74% 的学生回答的是 3 or more。

这个实验的结果印证了Daniel Goleman 在他的关于Emotional Intelligence的书中所写,”IQ contributes about 20% to the factors that determine life success, which leaves 80% to other factors."

这个 other factors 被许多人理解为就是指的是Emotional Intelligence (EI). 其实EI占了多少还是有争论的。

关于EI有很多文章,在这里我就不累述了。我想讲的是我新学到的Six Leadership Styles。这是网上找到的类似的文章:https://www.fastcompany.com/1838481/6-leadership-styles-and-when-you-should-use-them。我把这篇文章的内容简单总结如下。

Daniel Goleman 和 team成员对3000多名中层经理做了历时三年的研究,总结出了6个leadership styles 和这些styles对工作环境的影响。

1. The pacesetting leader expects and models excellence and self-direction. 用一句话总结就是"Do as I do, now." 

2. The authoritative leader mobilizes the team toward a common vision and focuses on end goals, leaving the means up to each individual. 用一句话总结就是"Come with me." 

3. The affiliative leader works to create emotional bonds that bring a feeling of bonding and belonging to the organization. 用一句话总结就是"People come first." 

4. The coaching leader develops people for the future. 用一句话总结就是"Try this." 

5. The coercive leader demands immediate compliance. 用一句话总结就是"Do what I tell you." 

6. The democratic leader builds consensus through participation. 用一句话总结就是"What do you think?" 



(答案是 coercive and pacesetting。在我看来,coercive很像micromanaging, pacesetting是要求下属像他一样努力工作,要是个workaholic就麻烦了。)

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