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“Our policy change is the direct result of current economic conditions.  With unemployment at over 20% and GDP expected to decline over 30% in the second quarter of 2020 we anticipate a decline in residential property values.  In the last recession, unemployment and GDP numbers were not nearly this bad and residential values declined over 30%.  Keep in mind that this policy change will not be forever – if the economy can rebound in the second half of 2020 we will likely go to higher LTV’s. ”

以上是我们做商贷的银行VP的回复,因为我抱怨他们突然改了POLICY,先斩后奏,max LTV从80%改为70%。这一下子把我们的购买力砍掉了1/3.

今天的过户会上,我抓住机会又聊了聊。VP的观点除了一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。一个重点是大多数民居买家的DOWNPAY是3-5%,这个数字是可怕地低,如果房价打9折,这些人就会很轻松地WALK AWAY。那么市价掉下来,我们做民居投资房的地主,手里的投资房市价当然也会同样遭殃,“城门失火,殃及池鱼”。因此,他们是未雨绸缪,赶紧备战备荒。 
