一个跟踪四十岁到六十五岁女性护士的大型调研,一共72,488个调研对象,每周锻炼两个小时的,心血管疾病显著降低,更让人注意的是,年龄越大,这个显著性越明显,年纪最大的一组RR0.48,也就是说风险降低了一半。(A prospective study of walking as compared with vigorous exercise in the prevention of coronary heart disease in women. Manson JE, Hu FB, Rich-Edwards JW, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Speizer FE, Hennekens CH N Engl J Med. 1999;341(9):650. )
另外一个很有意思的data,是一个跟踪了二十年的2994个无症状妇女(30-80岁)调研,强调了fitness level和心血管疾病的关联。越是fitness低的(单位时间运动能力和心跳恢复能力),心血管疾病风险越是显著增高。(Ability of exercise testing to predict cardiovascular and all-cause death in asymptomatic women: a 20-year follow-up of the lipid research clinics prevalence study. Mora S, Redberg RF, Cui Y, Whiteman MK, Flaws JA, Sharrett AR, Blumenthal RS JAMA. 2003;290(12):1600.)
1. It’s never too late to start exercise !
2. It’s not just the time! But also the quality of your exercise ! 如果训练没有structure , fitness没有提高,心脏疾病风险和不锻炼的一样。或者甚至更危险,比如那些突然心血来潮出去搞大票的。
Take home points: