和警察汇报完,没两分钟就有一个警察上门来了,后来又来了两个警察,细心的笔录整个过程细节,看儿子有没有受到别的伤害,解释说超市停车场都有监控,第二天会做详细的调查,并可以做victim mental health 的咨询,等等等等。
大姐 发表评论于
从长远看,也未必是坏事。 +1 感谢神 孩子身体没受伤,但愿这次教训能让他受益一辈子。
Noahh 发表评论于
回复 'lucky101' 的评论 :
"Attitudes of extreme hatred are usually based on fear. They come from primitive survival mechanisms—our instinct to avoid danger—to fear anything that appears to be different, which leads to fear of the other."
“When one race of persons unconsciously feels fear in response to a different race group—fears that their own level of security, importance, or control is being threatened—they will develop these defensive thoughts and behaviors,” says psychologist and political advisor Dr. Reneé Carr. “They will create exaggerated and negative beliefs about the other race to justify their actions in [an] attempt to secure their own safety and survival.”