
上路看世界,归家读闲书,陋室观天下,余暇思古今,静坐听音乐,提笔写文章。-- 南半球
有钱不花是穷人。-- 蔡澜
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天涯追梦 发表评论于
回复 '榕城人' 的评论 : Thank you for all your comments! I just saw your comments. I have been reading Dr Jason Fung's book and is about to finish it in the next couple of days! I also watched numerous videos of Dr. Fung.
Thank you for your suggestion on my condition that "due to missing some essential nutrition". I started to take suplements!
Also, see my post:

Intermittent fasting and no-staple is working for me!
榕城人 发表评论于
网友“温暖的家” wrote "我原来叫病变型重度脂肪肝,现在全好" -> So I believe 网友“温暖的家” is obesity guy, his obesity -- especially huge volume of belly fat, made he suffered "insulin resistant" -- which caused his Type 2 Diabetes. Once he lost belly fat, he revised the "insulin resistant" condition -- and revised his Type 2 Diabetes. 网友“温暖的家” successful story is only works for fatty person. However, for you -- your body weight only 118 LB -- you're already very fit...thinking your blood sugar issue could be due to missing some essential nutrition (like some Tracey Minerals)...suggest taking red meat and Cashew nuts, and Royal Jelly, also the Centrumn Vitamins & Minerals supplement...
榕城人 发表评论于
By the way -- Dr. Jason Fung had helped many many type 2 diabetes patients revised their conditions by intermittent fasting.
榕城人 发表评论于
The reason I have not started losing belly fat -- it's because I'm still eating Butter Cream Cakes, Ice Cream and so on during the "eating hours"... I have not started doing any exercises yet -- not even 20-30 minutes daily walking....and I have to stuck in front of computer for my job 8 hours a day...

Next stage is to get rid of Sweet and Fatty foods, and start exercising...hopefully to shrink my waistline.
榕城人 发表评论于
You can google Dr. Jason Wong in YouTube, I use his 18-6 or 20-4 intermittent fasting for more than 1 month. I lost 4 pounds -- but not in belly fat yet. During the fasting hours -- it'd better to take Spring Water, Light Green Tea, and Boiled Water, sometimes I take Light Black Coffee.