今天上班路上,看见圣路易斯的Central West End的商家专门雇人装门板,防玻璃被暴徒砸或者入店抢劫。昨天入夜还行,至少我沒有听到枪声,但是小区董事送邮件给大家,探寻增加保安巡逻密度的可能性,并且引证CWE已经围窗户了。昨夜圣市中心的7-11店被烧毁,据说居民听到飞机夜里执勤的声音。我在回家的路上,又见风起云涌的商家在设立防暴夹板。
我始终认为,60年代在美国兴起的自由主义运动对黑人家庭产生了致命的打击。我曾经有位学生是篮球名星球员,他崇拜NBA球星所以想在大学里学“非洲裔美国人研究”的专业,我反对了他的选择。我告诉他,那专业里的有些教授本身就是散布仇恨美国的种族主义者。他似乎听了我的话,在球星詹姆斯的故乡克里夫兰的Case Western以工程专业毕业,看球和学业两不误。我佩服汤姆逊大法官和Ben Carson这些优秀的黑人知识分子,他们能看到黑人社区的内在问题。让我们来看看黑人经济学教授Walter E Williams是怎么说的:
"In every census from 1890 to 1954, blacks were either just as active as or more so than whites in the labor market. During that earlier period, black teen unemployment was roughly equal to or less than white teen unemployment. As early as 1900, the duration of black unemployment was 15 percent shorter than that of whites; today it's about 30 percent longer. Would anyone suggest that there was less racial discrimination during earlier periods?"
"As late as 1950, only 18 percent of black households were single parent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1938, black illegitimacy was about 11 percent instead of today’s 75 percent. In 1925, 85 percent of black households in New York City were two-parent. Today, the black family is a mere shadow of its past."
"The most damage done to black Americans is inflicted by those politicians, civil rights leaders and academics who assert that every problem confronting blacks is a result of a legacy of slavery and discrimination."
"In every census from 1890 to 1954, blacks were either just as active as or more so than whites in the labor market. During that earlier period, black teen unemployment was roughly equal to or less than white teen unemployment. As early as 1900, the duration of black unemployment was 15 percent shorter than that of whites; today it's about 30 percent longer. Would anyone suggest that there was less racial discrimination during earlier periods?"
"As late as 1950, only 18 percent of black households were single parent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1938, black illegitimacy was about 11 percent instead of today’s 75percent. In 1925, 85 percent of black households in New York City were two-parent. Today, the black family is a mere shadow of its past."
"The most damage done to black Americans is inflicted by those politicians, civil rights leaders and academics who assert that every problem confronting blacks is a result of a legacy of slavery and discrimination."
The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies:
1 the antiwar left
2 black people.
You understand what I'm saying?
We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either 1) against the war or 2) black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily,
we could disrupt those communities.
We could arrest their leaders,
raid their homes,
break up their meetings,
and vilify them night after night on the evening news.
Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.
知道是谁说的?John Ehrlichman, 尼克松的国内政策总智囊,后来在水门事件种入狱。
股聋 发表评论于
我有个越南裔朋友, 修车铺修理工兼老板, 多半跟社会下层打交道, 说:
“黑人不高兴了, 动手”
“白人不高兴了, 拿出相机四处拍照”
原话 “When black people get upset, they become physical; when white people get upset, they take our cameras and take pictures everywhere ”