加了推特,只跟good read。除了娱乐之外,有些推文推荐的文章和书也不错,比如这篇:
里面提到Orwell 对希特勒的一个评价,很有意思:
When one compares his utterances of a year or so ago with those made fifteen years earlier, a thing that strikes one is the rigidity of his mind, the way in which his world-view doesn’t develop. It is the fixed vision of a monomaniac and not likely to be much affected by the temporary manoeuvres of power politics.
三四年前听了Churchill and Orwell: The Fight for Freedom by Thomas E. Ricks, 就很喜欢。再去找Orwell的 Animal Farm 和1984 来听。很受启发。1984的描写让人恐怖,因为历史表明他的虚构,却是那么逼真。