
小说 剧评史论随笔诗歌经营之道
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                I once said that i love my hometown,

                but i studied very hard to escape there.

                I once said that i love my motherland,

                When i knew i can immigrate to another country,

                I went away without a little hestitation.

                I have been living in Canada about twenty years,

                I love She deeply !

                I love her pretty,peace and quiet, and

                I also love her  fair democracy and freedoom.

                I look for The Peach Garden for long time,

                Now I find it,

                Canada is the Peach Garden in my heart.



亘古未见的笔名 发表评论于
I learn English, l want to write a novel in English, but my english is not enough, so I wrote one peom "Canada,the peach garden in my heart."thanks!
雪狗2014 发表评论于
I love Canada too