Finally, the liberal left sees the dire consequence of and feels threatened by the cannibalistic nature of their own monster.
nightrider 发表评论于
You and many others either did not watch Trump's whole conversation or lack scientific knowledge and imagination. Disinfectant refers to anything that kills viruses or bacteria. That may include UV light, liquid detergent or any other substances that has the aforementioned property. Trump phrases his proposal exactly like any legitimate scientist with abundance of imagination and creativity would. The UV light can be brought into the body either by perhaps a nanomachine that generates the UV or by simply fibre optic cable or an LED wire. You can even turn the idea on its head by pumping blood out of the body and irradiate it with UV light then pumping it back into the vein. It is even possible to apply some chlorine to some organ by many mean such as nonostructure to stimulate the immune response.
Trump is thinking like a good scientist unshackled by conventional wisdom and status quo. This is what we need in a leader.
川普是这样描述当下的美国文革的:"If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted and punished。"