今天游泳2000米, 游到1500时候,一个大叔过来和我搭讪,跟我说他看到我在泳池里一直游interval,受到我的启发,也开始尝试游interval,而不是一跳下池子就每天游一个速度。
于是我就爬出池子让他给我拍一个俯卧撑的录像, 然后继续完成最后五百米的游泳。这样我就把一天的任务都完成啦。
I took some inspiration from 落花 today and added 16 x 25 sprints with15 sec rest to today's workout. I went to talk to her at end of my set and she handed me her phone. She was doing a minute of push ups (needed video proof for coach) then back in pool for another 500! crazy!