Do You ever regret anything you say? or just like, I put it out there, it's out there, there's no point in regretting it.
I think people focus too much on the past and focus too much on regret. even like when you deal with school, like you take like the slave idea. my point is, I've heard of history class, I've never heard of a class that breaks down how you balance a checkbook or how you control your finances, which my father never taught me that. and I've never heard of a future class. So they keep us so focused on the history, that we start to believe that it actually repeats itself. and we become overly traditional, and we can't advance as a race of beings. we get too much caught up in the past and what everyone's saying and what everyone's tweeting. and sometimes you just have to be fearless enough to break the f**k simulation.
Elon Musk:
In terms of motivation, there needs to be things to get up in the morning.
life can't just be about solving problems, otherwise, what's the point?
there's got to be things that people find inspiring, things that make life worth living.
freemanli01 发表评论于
回复 '笑溪' 的评论 :
回复 'freemanli01' 的评论 : 经提醒又仔细想了想关于“根”,好像也没有太清晰的答案。我前面问的“根”当时想到的更多是人性格方面那些很难做本质性改变的部分。真诚感谢你回复我这么多!
用电脑的说法,we don't have a soul, we are souls, who have a body (and have a mind, an emotion system, etc)
如果不能破除这个identification, 基本上就不会改了。
你说的无限,可能就是我说的无根。类似禅宗里的无依无靠的,I am nothing, and I am everything.