《冬天的故事》(The Winter's Tale)第四幕第4场,女主人公珀迪塔(Perdita)对卡米洛(Camillo ,波西米亚国王身边的臣子)说:“欢迎您,先生。多卡斯,把那些花给我。尊敬的先生,这是送给你们的迷迭香和芸香,它们的外观和颜色在整个冬季都不会消散。愿你们承蒙上天的恩典,永被世人铭记。欢迎来我们的剪羊毛盛会!”
You’re welcome, sir.
Give me those flowers there, Dorcas. Reverend sirs,
For you there’s rosemary and rue; these keep
Seeming and savour all the winter long:
Grace and remembrance be to you both,
And welcome to our shearing!)
她用这两种冬天的花来衬托来宾的年纪。迷迭香的花语之一是“纪念”,芸香在中世纪象征着“恩典草药”(Herb of Grace),所以她祝愿两位来宾“承蒙上天的恩典,永被世人铭记。”
《泰尔亲王配力克里斯》(Pericles, Prince of Tyre)中,配力克里斯的女儿玛丽娜(Marina)被海盗抓走,卖给了一家妓院。玛丽娜决心保持自己的贞洁,聪明的她很会说话,每一个抱着不洁意图来的嫖客都被她慷慨激昂的话语“清洗”,变得“高尚”起来,粉碎了妓院老板的如意算盘。老板娘鸨妇(Bawd)恼羞成怒,命手下鲍尔特(Boult)强奸玛丽娜,并且说:“她在祈祷;带她走!但愿她从未曾走进这间房子。该死的!她要毁了我们。你不想做女人做的事吗?过来,玛丽,我的贞洁小馅饼配迷迭香和月桂叶!)
(She conjures: away with her! Would she had never come within my doors! Marry, hang you! She's born to undo us. Will you not go the way of women-kind? Marry, come up, my dish of chastity with rosemary and bays! )
莎士比亚在这出戏里给妓院的老板和老板娘分别起名Pander和Bawd, Pander的字面意思为皮条客(Pimp), Bawd的字面含义为“鸨妇”,符合两位人物的身份。他们唯利是图言谈粗鄙,为该剧增添了不少笑料。鸨妇将处女玛丽娜比作“贞洁小馅饼配迷迭香和月桂叶”,反应了当时人们把迷迭香和月桂叶放在一起调味肉食的烹饪习惯。
(The boar's head in hand I bear,
Bedecked with bays and rosemary,
And I pray you, my masters, be merry)
必须用开心的花环来装饰 ”
(The boar's head, as I understand,
Is the rarest dish in all this land,
Which thus bedeck'd with a gay garland)
《哈姆雷特》第四幕第五场,处于疯癫状态的奥菲莉亚(Ophelia)说:“这是迷迭香,代表纪念。请记住,爱。这是三色堇,代表思想。”(There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember. And there is pansies, that’s for thoughts. )
Now God in heaven bless thee! Hark you, sir.)
What sayst thou, my dear Nurse?)
乳母: “您那仆人可以保守秘密吗?您没听过这样的说法,‘两个人可以合谋把一个人收起来’”?
Is your man secret? Did you ne'er hear say,
“Two may keep counsel, putting one away”?)
Warrant thee, my man’s as true as steel.)
乳母:“好吧,先生,我家小姐是最可爱的姑娘。— 主啊,主啊,当她还是个小婴儿的时候,哦,这座城市里有一个贵族,一个叫帕利斯的人,很乐意娶到她。朱丽叶宁愿看着蟾蜍,也不愿看着他。有时候我会说帕利斯比您更合适,这使她生气。当我这么说时,我发誓,她的面色看起来好苍白。罗斯玛丽和罗密欧不是同样一个字开头吗?”
Well, sir, my mistress is the sweetest lady.—Lord, Lord! when ’twas a little prating thing.—Oh, there is a nobleman in town, one Paris, that would fain lay knife aboard, but she, good soul, had as lief see a toad, a very toad, as see him. I anger her sometimes and tell her that Paris is the properer man. But, I’ll warrant you, when I say so, she looks as pale as any clout in the versal world. Doth not rosemary and Romeo begin both with a letter?)
Ay, Nurse, what of that? Both with an R.)
乳母:“啊,您开玩笑呢,那是狗的名字。 ‘罗’代表 那个-不对,我知道它以另一个字开头。她用最美的话语来说你和罗斯玛丽,您听了一定会喜欢”。
Ah, mocker, that’s the dog’s name. R is for the—No, I know it begins with some other letter, and she hath the prettiest sententious of it, of you and rosemary, that it would do you good to hear it.)
估计朱丽叶的乳母识字不多,也不识香花,不知道如何拼读罗斯玛丽(rosemary),还以为是狗的名字。朱丽叶将罗斯玛丽(即迷迭香)与罗密欧联系在一起,说这两个词都以 “R”起头,暗示罗密欧和迷迭香一样的忠诚。
Peace, ho, for shame! Confusion’s cure lives not
In these confusions. Heaven and yourself
Had part in this fair maid. Now heaven hath all,
And all the better is it for the maid.
Your part in her you could not keep from death,
But heaven keeps his part in eternal life.
The most you sought was her promotion,
For ’twas your heaven she should be advanced.
And weep ye now, seeing she is advanced
Above the clouds, as high as heaven itself?
Oh, in this love, you love your child so ill
That you run mad, seeing that she is well.
She’s not well married that lives married long,
But she’s best married that dies married young.
Dry up your tears and stick your rosemary
On this fair corse, and, as the custom is,
And in her best array, bear her to church.
For though some nature bids us all lament,
Yet nature’s tears are reason’s merriment.)
凯普莱特: “我们为婚礼准备的所有一切,现在都将用于葬礼。我们的乐器变成了忧伤的丧钟,快乐的婚宴变成了悲哀的丧席。我们庄严的赞美诗变成沉痛的挽歌,我们的新娘花将掩埋尸体,一切都用于相反的目的”。
All things that we ordained festival
Turn from their office to black funeral.
Our instruments to melancholy bells,
Our wedding cheer to a sad burial feast.
Our solemn hymns to sullen dirges change,
Our bridal flowers serve for a buried corse,
And all things change them to the contrary.)
《李尔王》(Lear)的第二幕第三场,扮成乞丐并化名为汤姆·白德兰 (Tom Bedlam)的爱德伽(Edgar)(葛罗斯特伯爵的儿子)有一段独白:
“我听说他们已经发告示通缉我,我躲在空心的树干里,逃过了追捕。每一个港口和地方都戒备森严,等着抓我。 但是我会尽力而为,我已决定将自己伪装成人类有史以来最低贱,最为人轻视的,与禽兽相差无几的乞丐。我将用污垢涂抹我的脸,戴上缠腰布,头发乱蓬蓬的纠结在一起,几乎赤身裸体,对抗恶劣的天气。我曾经见过疯人院的乞丐,他们大声叫喊,将销子、木锥、钉子和迷迭香树枝扎在他们麻木的变形的手臂上。用这种可怕的形状到那些穷苦的农场、村庄、羊棚和磨坊,有时发出疯子般的怒吼,有时祈祷,乞求一点布施。 ‘可怜的疯叫化子!’ ‘可伶的汤姆!’ - 至少是这样。作为埃德加我什么都不是”。
I heard myself proclaimed,
And by the happy hollow of a tree
Escaped the hunt. No port is free, no place
That guard and most unusual vigilance
Does not attend my taking. Whiles I may ’scape,
I will preserve myself, and am bethought
To take the basest and most poorest shape
That ever penury in contempt of man
Brought near to beast. My face I’ll grime with filth,
Blanket my loins, elf all my hair in knots,
And with presented nakedness outface
The winds and persecutions of the sky.
The country gives me proof and precedent
Of Bedlam beggars, who with roaring voices
Strike in their numbed and mortified bare arms
Pins, wooden pricks, nails, sprigs of rosemary,
And with this horrible object from low farms,
Poor pelting villages, sheepcotes, and mills,
Sometime with lunatic bans, sometime with prayers,
Enforce their charity. “Poor Turlygod!” “Poor Tom!”—
That’s something yet. Edgar I nothing am.
(注:Turlygod 是对疯叫花子的称呼,大概是从“Turlupin”这个名字演化而来的,Turlupin指的是14世纪由一群赤裸的乞丐组成的帮会)