说到“国将不国”,我们真要问一句美国这个国是怎么来的。国庆节刚刚过,刚好是学习历史的好时候。244年前的7月4号,独立宣言发布了,文稿传到了纽约市,革命者当街宣读了“all men created equal”,激动得不能自以,然后他们做了一件大逆不道“毁灭历史”的放在今天的华人圈里要被人人喊打的大坏事:
我说的游行的过激行为难免,主要指擅自拉倒雕像,堵高速公路等吸引公众和媒体注意力的行为。还有一些破坏property的行为,这是要反对的,但是也应该记住马丁路德金的话语: riot is language of unheard. The best way to protect our way of life is to support social justice
and improve racial relationship.
你是律师应该比我清楚美国法律,property damage和人身伤害是本质不同的两回事(美国也不允许为了保护财产而开枪杀人),如果有人趁乱搞人身伤害,那就是绝对的暴乱分子,和抗议行为没有什么关系。In fact BLM protesters in Louisiana tried to expel a violent rioter from their activities and got shot by him, so it is totally unfair to blame BLM for the violence.
The big book you are reading is a good one, but if you want to save time, spend 1 hour to watch 《13th》 from Netflix for free. That documentary provides a succinct overview of what African American have gone through in justice system in the past 150 years.
My language can be aggressive recently because the a good portion of Chinese Americans put the whole community in a precarious position. Remember this:
In 2015, South Carolina passed the law to remove the Confederate flag from state capitol.
Just a few days ago, The Mississippi state legislature voted to replace its state flag, the last in the nation to display the Confederate battle emblem.
South Carolina and Mississippi are the most conservative states in the US. It is quite astonishing that a big chunk of Chinese American, a minority group who do not have much stake in American black-white relationship and civil war, would take such a extreme stance that is even more extreme than the old Dixie.
cng 发表评论于
回复 'Fanreninus' 的评论 : yes, those "independent voters" seem totally OK with that :-(.
Under Trump, US is more like a shithole which Trump fans themselves look down upon, which renders our US passport worthless. Isn't this something Chinese Trump fans would at least be concerned about? :-(
By the way, i bought the book "The Team of Rivals." While I don't agree with your view, i do realize that i know very little about the civil war. It never hurts to learn.