President Trump's Younger Brother Robert Passes Away at 72
Aug. 15, 2020
by Limin Wang
From online breaking news, President Trump's younger brother Robert Trump passes away today, at age of 72. How fragile life can be, even for rich people. I hope President Trump can stay great in health. In hindsight, it may be wiser to stay away from "medical professionals" who professionally serve death certificates instead of health recovery.
I went to Mount Sinai Health System for the injuries on my Central Nervous System in year 2019. Some neurologists there CLAIMed my head was NOT injured and Wrote that my spine has Degenerative Disc Disease. I was given an MRI referral for the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, WITHOUT any mark on With or Without Contrast. Later I waited for more than four full months, and Mount Sinai's office still replied me that the Insurance or Company has NOT responded their request of MRI's yet. Mount Sinai still said SO even when I had VIOLENT heart pain in early August 2019 which I almost died at home. I don't know the health care system in other states of America, but my interactions with so many New York medical professionals lead to my opinion: So many NY "medical professionals" are human scums professionally sucking people's blood. The America System needs a REVOLUTION.