




老牛虽然“乐观”,但是老牛在恐惧在未来的半年里,美国很有可能会陷入“恐慌”甚至“内战”的绝望之中。看看川总的现在的一些言行吧:认为总统候选人乔·拜登有老年痴呆、认为乔·拜登的搭档贺卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris,贺锦丽)不是出生在美国、、认为邮寄投票(mail-in voting)就是作假、认为他要根据选举结果的情况,才能承认美国的11月份的大选结果。


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hotpepper 发表评论于
'Dear Vladimir Putin, I'm a big fan of yours!' Senate intel report reveals Donald Trump's letters to Russian strongman praising him and begging him to come to Miss Universe - and how Ivanka sat behind his desk
Trump-Putin letters are included in the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on Russian election interference and related issues
Trump wrote to congratulate Putin in 2008 on being named Time's 'Person of the Year'
He also wrote him in 2013 inviting him to the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow
He added in his own writing: ''THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN!'

PUBLISHED: 17:54 EDT, 18 August 2020 | UPDATED: 21:48 EDT, 18 August 2020


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The explosive Senate Intelligence Committee report released Tuesday contains images of correspondence between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin where the future president seeks to ingratiate himself with the Russian strongman and touts the 'beautiful women' at the Miss Universe pageant.

The images contain hand-written all-caps inscriptions in Trump's familiar hand, at a time when the report reveals he was seeking to bring the beauty pageant to Moscow and his family and subordinates were exploring real estate deals in Russia.

'THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN!' Trump wrote at the bottom of a June 2013 letter where Trump told Putin he had no doubt heard the news that the Miss Universe Pageant was coming to Russia.

A June 2013 letter from Donald Trump invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to attend the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. Trump added a message about 'beautiful women' in his own hand +7
A June 2013 letter from Donald Trump invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to attend the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. Trump added a message about 'beautiful women' in his own hand

The letter dropped the name of the oligarch, Aras Agalarov, who Trump was partnering with in the venture.

'I want to take this opportunity lo personally invite you to be my guest of honor in Moscow,' Trump wrote the leader who the following year would get hit with heavy U.S. sanctions over the invasion of Crimea. 'I know you will have a great time.'

Trump then appended the line about beautiful women in his own hand. Although the line seems designed to entice Putin, according to other passages in the report a variety of people alleged having heard about Trump's encounters with women in Russia during his three known trips there.

An initial draft of the letter, furnished to a longtime Trump aide by British music publicist Rob Goldstone, also included a line stating Trump 'would also hope to meet privately with you during my stay in Moscow.' It got cut from the version included in the report.

The report examined Russian efforts to develop compromising information on people as well as its election interference efforts in 2016.

Trump said during his presidential election run in July 2016: 'I have nothing to with Russia. I have nothing to do with Russia — for anything.'

In an earlier letter, from December 2007, Trump declares himself a 'big fan' of Putin in a letter written during his first two terms in office.

All are penned on Trump Organization stationary.


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Miss Venezuela 2013 Gabriela Isler poses after her win at final of the competition Miss Universe 2013 with Donald J Trump in Crocus City Hall in Moscow on November 9, 2013 +7
Miss Venezuela 2013 Gabriela Isler poses after her win at final of the competition Miss Universe 2013 with Donald J Trump in Crocus City Hall in Moscow on November 9, 2013

Russian President Vladimir Putin wrote Trump following the Miss Universe event. 'It is a pity that we were not able to have our meeting, but I hope we will be able to talk during one of your upcoming visits to Russia,' he wrote +7
Russian President Vladimir Putin wrote Trump following the Miss Universe event. 'It is a pity that we were not able to have our meeting, but I hope we will be able to talk during one of your upcoming visits to Russia,' he wrote

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrive for the signing ceremony of a proclamation on the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment during an event in the Blue Room of the White House in Washington Tuesday +7
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrive for the signing ceremony of a proclamation on the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment during an event in the Blue Room of the White House in Washington Tuesday

Trump congratulated Putin on being named Time's 'Person of the Year' +7
Trump congratulated Putin on being named Time's 'Person of the Year'

Trump claimed the pageant 'turned down many competing countries in favor of Russia' +7
Trump claimed the pageant 'turned down many competing countries in favor of Russia'

'Congratulations on being named Time magazine's "Man of the Year" – you definitely deserve it,' Trump wrote, after Putin was named Person of the Year. 'As you probably heard, I am a big fan of yours. Take care of yourself,' he concluded, with the 'big fan' sentence underlined.

It came at a time when Trump associate Felix Sater was exploring Trump real estate projects in Moscow. Trump's salutation was: 'With best wishes.'

The correspondence wasn't all one way.

Following the Miss Universe contest – which Putin did not attend, despite the letter campaign and what witnesses told the committee were conversations on how to bring about a Trump-Putin meeting that did not happen – Putin wrote Trump in Russian and sent a gift.

'Dear Mr. Trump, I would like to congratulate you and your colleagues on successfully holding the Miss Universe contest in Moscow. I hope that all the participants in this remarkable event will go home with good memories of their visit to the Russian capital,' Putin wrote. 'It is a pity that we were not able to have our meeting, but I hope we will be able to talk during one of your upcoming visits to Russia. Yours sincerely, V. Putin.

Enclosed was an image of a gift that Donald Trump Jr. gushed about in his own note to his father.

An English translation accompanied Putin's letter to Trump
An English translation accompanied Putin's letter to Trump

The letters were included as the committee examined a variety of Trump Moscow real estate projects +7
The letters were included as the committee examined a variety of Trump Moscow real estate projects


A September 2013 letter from Trump to Putin also sought to entice him to the Miss Universe pageant. He called it 'the biggest and most important pageant in the world.'

'It will be a great tribute to Moscow and Russia!' Trump gushed. 'We turned down many competing countries in favor of Russia,' he added. Then he issued an invitation: 'I want to take Ibis opportunity to personally invite you to be my Guest of Honor' at the November 9 pageant. 'Additionally, I will be arriving in Moscow a few days prior to the event and if for any reason you would like to meet with me, it would be my great honor.'

The report also details how Trump asked associate Felix Sater to accompany Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump on their own trip to Moscow to explore projects for his company.

'My kids are going there; I'd feel a lot more comfortable if you were there looking after them,' Sater told the committee Trump asked him.

Sater contacted a 'close friend' to get them a nearly private tour of the Kremlin.

'But then afterwards the curator and translator, once we finished going through some of the Museum-quality rooms, as we 're passing, the security guard says: That's the boss's room. And he opens it and he shows an office.'

At that point, Ivanka said: 'Can I sit down behind the chair?' Sater says he told the guard: 'Just trust me; she's the daughter of a VIP from the US.; what's she going to do, steal his pen?'

'And I convinced him to let her sit in the chair. She sat in the chair, spun around two or three times, said "Wow," walked out, and that was it. Then later we went to dinner,' he said.
石牛 发表评论于
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BeijingGirl1 发表评论于
我觉得写文章, 以讲清事实为主比较好, 用不着聚焦“对错”。 因为对错永远是相对的。 科学真理除外。 其实就连科学真理也是有时间性的。 比如二 YAN 之争, 现在只能等待时间做判断了。

不知川总弟弟的病因。 但是全部媒体的含糊其辞反而倒说明了问题。 才71岁啊。 逝者走好吧。

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回复 'BeijingGirl1' 的评论 :

北佛风光 发表评论于
回复 '石牛' 的评论 : “川普总统的处理新冠疫情的失误,就算是“铁杆”川粉,也应该是无可否认的。”

哈哈, 来看石牛推车, 果然是助人为乐处处热心。

至于铁杆川粉会认为川总处理新冠疫情失误, 那是绝对不会发生的。 川总从来没有错的时候, 老弟不幸得流感过世, 也绝对不是新冠的问题。 川总有救命神药对付新冠, 对付不了流感而已。
鲁钝 发表评论于
回复 '石牛' 的评论 : 谢谢石牛,只要不得新冠就好。
BeijingGirl1 发表评论于
美国今年真是乱, 疫情; 游行; 选举。。。
石牛 发表评论于
回复 'BeijingGirl1' 的评论 :

京妞好, 我戴了口罩,车里也备有口罩和洗手液. 这个新冠弄得人神经兮兮的,不知什么时候是个头.
杰克会找乐子,应该练了不少新歌. 谢大家挂念杰克.
BeijingGirl1 发表评论于
赞一个石牛的热心助人为乐。 车里放一个口罩和洗手消毒液吧。
川总不一贯这样嘛, 挑起一部分人打击另一部分人。 在疫情问题上就是甩锅,推卸责任。 支持他的人也赞成这一套,一点不奇怪。 但是他在时间上非常幸运。

Jack 这些天不是在醉心唱歌吗?
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鲁钝 发表评论于
回复 '石牛' 的评论 : 哈哈,有关杰克之事,愿闻其详?
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