相当左倾的《圣路易斯邮迅报》都发表社论,在批评麦律师夫妇的同时反对检察官盖特勒这样做。邮迅报认为在一个天天发生恶性谋杀的城市,检察官不去起诉罪犯却利用公共资源去起诉一个完全不可能赢的案例,除了政治秀没有别的解释。可以读读他们是怎么说盖特勒的:“She is once again pursuing a no-win situation that only promises to further drain city coffers and add to the city’s already considerable embarrassment.”
"左派声称这是对言论自由的暴力侵犯". This is completely fallacious. Physical invasion of private property is no freedom of expression. One has no right to express on the premise of someone else's properties.
nightrider 发表评论于
It is time to hear the voice of normal ordinary people who will NOT tolerate invasion of their rightful private properties. You are lucky to have such a neighbour with a zeal to protect private properties. America is lucky to have the McCloskey's. We need tens of millions more of the McCloskey's!
st-watcher 发表评论于
st-watcher 发表评论于
They 起诉 him, but in California (Harris state), no 起诉 if if the stolen value is less than $950!