"It's become so dangerous for us and I don't hear Joe Biden or Kamala Harris saying one thing about the violence. This mob is their voters. This is the new Democrat party, and if we don't resist this, the United States is going to become Portland. We're going to become Chicago. All of these failed cities Democrats have run, the president said in his speech," he said. "If we allow them to take over the White House, we are going to become Portland, the country will be on fire, we have to have law and order and we have to support the police. I can't say that strong enough."
I am glad that you tried to read my post. Unfortunately, based on yours, it becomes painfully clear that you neither watched the video footage that reflected what actually happened (which is quite different from what Mr. Paul claimed), nor understood what I wrote. I would highly encourage you to do both before commenting. It is generally a good idea to understand what you are writing before posting.
And I am somewhat amused to see that you have decided to label others as the so-called “liberal left” for merely having the ability to distinguish political fantasy from reality; which I find comical, if not absurd. If that is not something that you have learned through grade school or adulthood, then, perhaps I can explain for you (again): no one attacked or assaulted Mr. Paul. No one shoved or pushed him. If you think harsh words are too much for Mr. Paul to handle, then perhaps he might not belong in the business of politics. (On the other hand, considering how much nonsense you’ve managed to produce, I would think that you’d make a mighty fine candidate.)
LOL! ????
nightrider 发表评论于
回复 'cng' 的评论 :
"在这发言的每一个,基本上都曾是chinese student, 你们是不是如彭皮袄所言,working on behalf of or at the behest of, the direction of the Chinese Communist Party, 自己掂量掂量?"
Do I even need to say again what muddled mind you have? No wonder you have no idea how crystallography, presumably your area of expertise, works.
nightrider 发表评论于
How was pushing, shoving and verbal abuse not assault? Those should not have happened in the first place. You are saying it was alright because they did not die. That is egregious. They only survived because they were protected by the cops.
The liberal left like you are out of your minds and losing all rationality.
nightrider 发表评论于
You are twisting the facts again as usual. Antifa protests are illegally occupying the street and deliberately blocking the right of way of the vehicles and breaking the traffic laws. They are responsible for any resulting damage.
实际上就是Rand Paul 在警察护卫下走了一小段路,旁边吃瓜民众跟着走看热闹兼喊了几句让参议员不悦的反动口号,大部媒体蜂涌而至,闪光灯亮个不停让政治人物充分上镜。他说的"暴徒"大部份就是媒体拍照录像。这样让某些民众有了"暴徒"要谋害伟光正的政治人物的幻觉。事实是过程中根本没有人碰了Rand Paul 一下,他被围绕也不过就几分钟的时间。
如果Rand Paul还觉得"暴徒"太可怕,那他应该听听民主党众议员Gabrielle Giffords 的经验。Gabrielle Giffords 是被右翼份子Jared Lee Loughner开枪爆头中弹倒地,没死不过一辈子毁了。右翼份子同时还枪杀了六个人,包括一个法官和一个九岁小孩。那才叫"暴徒"攻击。Rand Paul 那最多只能说是在重重护卫下亲身探访(反对派的)民情了三分种。要说啥attack by mob, 套一句广东话:你仲未够班啊。
戈培尔的名言是,你撒大谎,不停撒谎,人就信了(If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.)看来有些华人,从支持当代纳粹的政治立场(法西斯+社会主义)到变着法子为当代褐衫队暴徒洗地,真在照着戈培尔说的做:颠倒黑白,撒大谎。
o-tree 发表评论于
BLM 就是搅屎棍,给民主党抹黑,让暴力不断。川普无能让新冠不断。这个国家没救了
cng 发表评论于
在这发言的每一个,基本上都曾是chinese student, 你们是不是如彭皮袄所言,working on behalf of or at the behest of, the direction of the Chinese Communist Party, 自己掂量掂量?
cng 发表评论于
Pompeo says Trump looking at whether to restrict Chinese students from the US
“Look, not every Chinese student who is here is working on behalf of or at the behest of, the direction of the Chinese Communist Party, but it’s something President Trump has taken a serious, serious look at," Pompeo responded.