Saccard was insatiable, he felt his greed grow at the sight of the flood of gold that glided through his fingers. It seemed to him as if a sea of twenty-franc pieces stretched out around him, swelling from a lake to an ocean, filling the vast horizon with a strange sound of waves, a metallic music that tickled his heart; and he grew bolder, plunging deeper every day, diving and coming up again, now on his back, now on his belly, swimming through this vast expanse in fair weather and foul, and relying on his strength and skill to prevent him from ever sinking to the bottom. (p94)
For ten years she had seen him at the forge, amid the sparks of red-hot metal, his flesh scorched, breathless, pounding away, lifting hammers twenty times too heavy for his arms, at the risk of crushing himself. She understood him now; he seemed to her to have grown taller through his superhuman efforts, his stupendous roguery, his obession with money. She remembered how he leapt over obstacles, rolling in the mud, not bothering to wipe himself down, so that he could reach his goal more quickly, not even stopping to enjoy himself on the way, chewing on his twenty-franc pieces as he ran. (p. 240)
回复 'yy56' 的评论 : Good morning, 闻香,很高兴又见到你。这本小说不是他的代表作。 It just happened that I found it on my daughter's shelf. It is a good read though. Thank you for your visit. Enjoy your poem reading and writing!
yy56 发表评论于
The Kill is the 2nd novel in ?mile Zola's 20-volume series Les Rougon-Macquart.
I haven't read it. Thank you for your book review.
回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : Hi, my friend. I kind of sense that you are busy:)) I know that Zola befriended artists, like Cezanne, and it is good to know that he encouraged Cezanne. Zola himself was a very industrious and prolific writer. He finished Germinal (a 480+ pages novel) in about 10 months. Thanks, my friend, for your time reading and commenting out of your busy schedule.
7grizzly 发表评论于
I don't have time for new books these days. Thanks to your posts, I can keep reading!
Zola encouraged his friend Cézanne to just keep painting when the later was in a funk. Very inspiring.
回复 '暖冬cool夏' 的评论 : 是啊,暖mm你这段文字摘得特好,把铜币的声音描写成metallic music that tickled his heart. 还有在钱海里的各种泳姿,我刚才读的时候就想笑。
暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
回复 'Once-always' 的评论 : 我也再读了一遍这段英文,确实写得很形象!
暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
回复 'Once-always' 的评论 : Oncemm,我们真是擦肩而过的,读小说要被人念是浪费时间的:) 是的,这个人物的奋斗精神很让人佩服。小说的主题可能就是想揭露这样一种追求钱财和物质享受的人(for money and for pleasure),主人公很拼很辛苦的,中间一度缺钱,找钱,压力也很大。小说里还写他太太(for pleasure的代表)花钱如流水,债台高筑,跟他的儿子(前妻生的)藕断丝连,最后自杀身亡。看来,物质是不能给人带来终极快乐的。写多了。谢谢Oncemm的阅读,新周快乐!
Once-always 发表评论于
读完暖mm这篇介绍,突然觉得这种对money的obsession很让人敬佩,从另一种意义上说,这人非常无私,用生命圈钱,这种境界一般人还真达不到。:) 暖mm写得短练精湛,笔锋犀利。也读了那一段对flood of gold 的描写,非常形象,把一个人在物欲横流里的贪婪描绘得淋漓尽致。等着暖mm更多精彩的文评。新周快乐!