Freddie Mercury
“Lover of life. Singer of songs.”
- Brian May
Farrokh Bulsara, popularly known as Freddie Mercury, was a Tanzania born British record producer, singer and songwriter, of Indian descent, who is particularly famous for being the front man of the musical band ‘Queen’.
Mercury went to boarding school in India and was interested in music from an early age.
He had even formed his own group at school.
He arrived in England as a 17 year old and earned a diploma from Ealing Art College in Art and Graphic Design.
He formed the rock band ‘Queen’ in 1970 along with Brian May, John Deacon and Roger Taylor.
Mercury was the lead vocalist and songwriter of the band.
Some of the greatest hits that the band gave were written by him.
His 4 octave voice was a unique talent and he soon became one of the most famous rock stars in the world.
Mercury’s on stage persona and dancing skills made him a highly popular star as well.
Some of the most famous songs by him include ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, ‘We Are the Champions’, ‘Killer Queen’, ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’, ‘We are the Champions’ and ‘Play the Game’ among others.
Mercury died from AIDS-related bronchial pneumonia at his London mansion on November 24, 1991. He was 45 years old.
Mercury was without doubt one of the most iconic rock stars to have ever existed and those who remember him will surely want to have a look at his work and thoughts.
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“I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend.”
- Freddie Mercury
皇后合唱團 - 波希米亞狂想曲
●史上最偉大搖滾樂團 皇后合唱團,音樂傳記電影華麗登場
●收錄從未問世Live Aid現場音源及Queen創始組合「Smile」新曲"Doing All Right"等多首珍稀曲目
【波希米亞狂想曲】描述了皇后合唱團的崛起,以及其一路如何成功風靡了全球樂迷的心;然而,在外界看不到的背後,這個看速堅固的經典傳奇卻藏匿著一觸即發的潛在衝突,就如同於墨裘瑞的生活方式一般,快速地被捲入漩渦且即將失去控制。但即便是在被病魔纏身的狀況之下,墨裘瑞依然乘載著樂迷們的期待,引領著樂團一同於Live Aid的舞台上,成功締造了本世紀最偉大的表演舞台。
皇后合唱團Queen無疑是史上最偉大的樂團之一,生涯造就18張冠軍專輯+18首冠軍單曲,全球突破3億張的銷售奇蹟,從70年代一路喧囂至今,他們更締造出了許多不同樂種的原創風格,重新定義了搖滾樂!從"Killer Queen"、"Bohemian Rhapsody"、"We Will Rock You"、"The Show Must Go On"等,而這其中一曲"Bohemian Rhapsody"更是經典中的經典,更因此成為了電影【波希米亞狂想曲】的片名,同時象徵著Queen華麗搖滾的永垂不朽。
【波希米亞狂想曲】電影原聲帶中,帶給聽眾的不光是歷年傳奇曲目,更是前所未有未曝光的珍稀曲目,也就是1985年7月13日,Queen在Live Aid演出的5首金曲,這長達21分鐘撼動全球的表演,被塵封了33年之後,終於首度與世人見面!除此之外,為了讓【波希米亞狂想曲】原聲帶呈現Queen最完整的始末,特地找來在Queen正式成立前,創始組合團體「Smile」的主唱Tim Staffell驚喜回歸,重新錄製了當年創作曲"Doing All Right "。至今Queen仍憑藉著【波希米亞狂想曲】感動世人,用最華麗、最熱血一首又一首的不朽神曲,繼續把皇后精神傳遞到地球上每一個角落。

“Who wants to live forever?”
- Freddie Mercury